However, the negative influence is still the main aspect of foreign invasion.
In the process of China becoming a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, it has formed a series of social characteristics different from other countries. ?
First, the self-sufficient natural economy in the feudal era was severely damaged, but the feudal relations of production still existed and occupied a significant advantage in China's social and economic life.
Second, national capitalism has developed, but it is weak and has not become the main form of China's social economy.
Third, imperialism not only manipulated China's economic lifeline, but also controlled China's politics and military affairs, making China lose its independence economically and its national sovereignty politically. Imperialism is the general source of all disasters and calamities in modern China, and it is also a huge obstacle to the social development in China. ?
Fourth, the political system of this society, first the autocratic regime of emperors and nobles, was replaced by the warlord bureaucratic rule of the landlord class, followed by the dictatorship of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie. As the general representatives of feudal forces, they colluded with imperialism and brutally exploited the people at home. They are the most reactionary and decadent forces in modern China. ?
Fifth, because China is under the rule or semi-rule of many imperialist countries; Because of the existence of local agricultural economy; Coupled with the vast territory of China, China's political, economic and cultural development is extremely uneven. ?
Sixthly, under the double oppression of imperialism and feudalism, the broad masses of people in China, especially farmers, live a cold and hunger life and have no political rights. The poverty and unfriendliness of the people of China are rare in the world. ?
The above characteristics show that the collusion between foreign imperialism and feudalism in China led to the formation of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in modern China. Therefore, the contradiction between imperialism and the Chinese nation, feudalism and the masses of the people are the main contradictions in modern China society. Overthrowing the reactionary rule of imperialism and feudalism in China has become two basic tasks of modern China revolution. The great modern China Revolution occurred and developed on the basis of these basic contradictions.