At the end of 1980s, Auferil was involved in a major historical argument with the Marxist historian Timothy Mei Sen, saying that most magazines broadcast more pages about the past and present than the reasons, and two world wars broke out at 1939. Mei Sen once thought that "flying to war" made Hitler transform from structural economic crisis and faced the choice with Hitler, making it difficult for him to choose or invade the economy. Ollie objected to Mei Sen's paper. He thinks that although 1939 Germany faced economic problems, its scope and scale could not explain the invasion of Poland, and the war broke out because Nazi leaders made choices for the same reason.
His works were praised as "ajp Taylor", "Original and Important" (New York Book Review) and "Frontier" (Times Literature Supplement) in World War II. He is a researcher at the Royal Historical Society (1977), the British Academy of Sciences (2000) and King's College (2003). In 200 1 year, it was awarded the Samuel Eliot Morrison prize for social and military history, which was unprecedented in the history of war.