1. Print multiple emails on one page.
Word mail merge can be used to batch process and print mail. In many cases, our emails are very short, occupying only a few lines of space. But we also need to use a whole page when printing, which leads to slow printing speed and waste of paper. The reason for this result is that there is a "section break" between each email, so the next email is assigned to another page. How to print multiple short messages on one page? It's actually quite simple. First, merge the data and documents into the new document, and then replace all section break (b) in the new document with manual line breaks (l) (note that the lowercase English letter l here is not the number 1). The specific method is to use Word's find and replace command, enter "B" in the "Find what" box of the find and replace dialog box, enter "L" in the "Replace with" box, and click "Replace All". After that, you can print multiple emails on one page.
2. Merge emails with different contents at one time.
Sometimes we need to send emails with roughly the same content to different recipients, but there are some differences. For example, the "student report card" issued to parents, according to the total score of students, write different contents on different report cards. Students with a total score of more than 290 points should write "being rated as a learning model" at the end of the report card (as shown in figure 1 right), while for other students, this sentence is not included in the report card (as shown in figure 1 left). How to merge different messages with the same main document and data source? In this case, the Insert Word Field will be used. Insert "If" ... and then ... Otherwise (I) ... "In the" Insert Word Field ",different words need to appear in the email. Take "student report card" as an example. The specific method is to position the insertion point at the end of the main document, click "Insert Word Field" in the mail merge toolbar, select "if…then…else(I)…" in the lower menu, fill in the information shown in Figure 2 in the dialog box that appears, and click "OK".
3.* * * Enjoy all kinds of data sources
In addition to the data source created by Word, mail merge can also use a lot of data, such as Excel workbook, Access database, query file, Foxpro file and so on. As long as these files exist, you don't need to create new data sources during mail merge, just open these data sources and use them directly. It should be noted that when using Excel workbook, the data file must be in database format, that is, the first line must be a field name, and there can be no blank line in the middle of the data line. This can share different data, avoid duplication of work and improve office efficiency.
4. Screening and classification
Using the Query Options in the Mail Merge Helper, you can filter records and selectively merge them, or sort records at the same time. Remembering them at work can improve your office efficiency.