After the holiday, you can send a short message to your tutor and live under your name: "I'm going to apply for your doctor." Deepen the impression. But don't call your tutor unless there are special circumstances, because you are a stranger.
Don't ask for a tutor before the exam results come down, because if the results are not enough, everything will be in vain. At this time, the tutor is also very busy and has no time to talk to you.
And when your grades are ok, call your tutor as soon as possible. If the tutor happens to have time, he will talk to you more, thinking that if you hit it off, he might give you something.
Of course, the resume of the tutor should be understood from now on, and the research and papers of the tutor should also be paid attention to next year. Online, and your current teacher should be able to tell you something, maybe which teacher around you is his student.
(Note: The topics interviewed by the tutor are often closely related to his research at that time)
Remember, he is not only your mentor, but also your boss. What he needs is someone who can help him work, and then he looks at someone who is pleasing to the eye. Some tutors may not have time to teach you for a year. Therefore, a down-to-earth attitude, excellent professional knowledge and the degree of worship (understanding) of your tutor are the keys to your success! ! ! ! ! !
Wish you success! ! ! ! ! ! !