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Format details of college papers, such as how big the font should be and whether it should be bold.
I am a graduate of the College of Arts. This is the thesis standard of our college. I hope it helps you.

Writing standard of undergraduate graduation thesis

In order to further standardize the writing of graduation thesis and improve the quality of undergraduate graduation thesis, this specification is formulated.

First, the writing of graduation thesis

Undergraduate graduation thesis should include the following aspects:


Chinese abstracts and keywords in the previous part

Learn English abstracts and keywords



An introduction or preface to an article

Orthogonal text

Conclusion on the main part of the formula

Conclusion reference


Additional record


Appendix part academic achievements during the study period.


Second, the graduation thesis writing content requirements

1. Paper title

The title of the paper should be short, clear and general; The number of words should be appropriate, generally no more than 20 Chinese characters. If you have special requirements, you can add subtitles.

2. Abstract of the paper

The abstract summarizes the content of the research topic in a concise form. The Chinese abstract is about 200 words, and the English abstract basically corresponds to the Chinese abstract.

3. Keywords

Keywords are words or terms that express the content information of a paper, and the number of keywords generally does not exceed six. Each keyword is separated by a semicolon, and no punctuation marks are used after the last keyword.

4. Content

The table of contents is the index of the main contents of the paper, which should be marked with a first-class title or a second-class title. The title of the table of contents must be consistent with the title in the body.

5. Text

The text generally includes a preface and a text. The preface should explain the significance, purpose, main research contents, scope and problems to be solved. The text is a detailed statement of the research work, which generally consists of titles, words, charts, tables and formulas.

Step 6 take notes

All quotations from other people's opinions, original words, main data, etc. The source must be indicated in the text. If it is necessary to explain, it can be supplemented.

7. Reference

Reference refers to the reference materials in the process of article writing, which is an indispensable part of graduation thesis and the author's recognition and respect for other people's knowledge achievements. The references of graduation thesis can generally be included in the main literature around 10.

8. Appendix

The appendix includes formulas that are too long to fit in the text, auxiliary mathematical tools needed for others to read, repeated data and charts, symbolic meanings used in the paper, unit abbreviations, full text of the program and related explanations. , with reference value, such as questionnaire survey, formula derivation, programming, original data schedule, etc. Generally speaking, the length of the appendix should not exceed the text. Appendices and texts are numbered consecutively.

Third, the graduation thesis writing standards

The graduation thesis is printed by computer according to the requirements of the school. Chinese characters must use standardized characters published by the state. Select A4 paper, with the top, bottom, left and right margins of 2 cm and the left margin of 2.7cm;; Font: Song Ti; Font: small four; Word spacing: standard; Line spacing: 23 pounds.

(1) Front part

1. Cover: The cover template required by the school should be downloaded and overprinted, and it must be correct. Download the cover to the website of College of Literature-Teaching Workspace (2 10.30.208. 155) or the website of Academic Affairs Office (, and output it according to the specified format.

2. Title: The title of the paper is in bold type No.3, which can be divided into 1 or 2 lines for printing.

3. Abstracts and keywords: divided into Chinese abstracts, Chinese keywords, English abstracts and English keywords, and English abstracts and Chinese abstracts are combined into one page. There is a title at the top of the page, and the words "Abstract:" are printed at the two spaces from the left under the title (small four are bold, and there is a space between words). After the word "abstract:", print the content of Chinese abstract (small four times).

Chinese keywords should be placed after the Chinese abstract, and a new line should be added. Chinese keywords should be preceded by "keywords:" (small four in bold) and followed by keyword content (small four in italics).

Examples of Chinese abstract and keyword formats:

On Zhang Yimou's Film Art

Abstract: Since the 20th century, constructivism has become a popular theoretical school in the world, namely {\ f1,} ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××

Based on constructivism, this study is based on ×× year × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month × day × month ×


××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 ×××××××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××。

Keywords: course knowledge; Architecture; Constructivism; Social construction; Personal architecture

Chinese keywords are the English title of a behavioral paper (the font is Times New Roman, bold, and can be divided into 1 or 2 lines for center printing).

Print "Abstract:" and leave a four-letter blank under the English title of the paper. After "Summary:", print the English summary (Times New Roman font in the fourth small font size).

English keywords should be placed after the English abstract and start a new line. English keywords should be marked "keywords:"(Times New Roman, small four bold font), followed by English keyword content (Times New Roman, small four).

Examples of English abstract and keyword formats:

Zhang Yimou's View of Film Art

Abstract: Since the mid-20th century, constructivism theory has swept the world. ××××××××××××××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××.×××××××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××.

Based on the theory of constructivism, ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× ×××××××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××.



Keywords: course knowledge; Architecture; Constructivism; Social constructivism; Individual constructivism

4. Contents: Contents consist of introduction, chapters (or serial numbers), conclusions, appendices and other serial numbers, paper names and page numbers. It is required that the contents of chapters (or first-class and second-class titles) reflected in the catalogue should be consistent with the chapters appearing in the text, and there should be no different situations. The line spacing of the directory is 1.5 times the line spacing.

Example of directory format:


chinese abstract

.................................................................................................... Ⅱ

Quote ... quote ... quote ... quote.


( 1) ×××××××………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(2) ×××××……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Two. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Conclusion ........................................................ 1 13.

See ......................................... 1 15.

Postscript 12 1.

(B) The main part of the paper

1. Introduction (or preface, etc. )

The content of (1) is the present situation of this research field at home and abroad, the problems to be solved in this paper, and the practical value and theoretical significance of this research work in some aspects such as economic construction, scientific and technological progress and social development. A comprehensive review of historical summary and previous research results, as well as theoretical analysis, can also be written in a separate chapter, with enough words, in the text;

(2) The introduction must start from another page.

2. Text

Print in a small font with four letters. The title of the paper is no longer printed on the body page.

(1) Due to different disciplines and majors and different topics of the paper, you can write the text in different ways;

(2) There should be no punctuation at the end of the title;

(3) The first-level title No.3 is bold and centered, and pages are changed between the first-level titles;

(4) The secondary title No.4 is in bold type;

(5) The third-level title is small, and the fourth-level song style is bold;

(6) Title number: In order to comply with academic norms, the order of title number from high to low is "I", "I" and "1." And "(1)" and "I", "I" and "I" cannot be used.

(7) Units of measurement, drawings, tables, formulas, abbreviations and symbols in the paper must follow the standards stipulated by the state;

(eight) the charts, notes, references and formulas in the paper shall be numbered consecutively (or by chapter) with Arabic numerals; The order and name of the drawings are placed at the bottom of the drawings; Table order and table name are placed above the table; The number of the formula in the test paper is enclosed in brackets and written at the end of the right line with no dotted line in the middle.

3. Notes and references

(1) annotation means that the author further explains what he wants to express;

(2) Citation refers to the relevant periodical papers and books and materials cited by the author when writing papers or works. When the author quotes directly from others, or quotes the meaning of others' works or papers without directly quoting others' words, he must indicate the source.

(3) Notes and quotations are in the form of "footnotes", with a small number of five. Indicate the serial number where remarks are needed, and put the serial number in square brackets in the upper right corner of the filling place, such as [1]; The content of the note is arranged at the bottom of the page where the note is placed. The serial number of comments on each page starts from [1], which is not continuous with the comments on the previous page (please refer to the reference for comment format and clearly mark the page number).

Conclusion (or conclusion, etc.). )

The conclusion of the paper should be clear, concise, complete and accurate.

Step 5 refer to

(1) References refer to the documents and materials referred to in the process of writing articles;

(2) The document description is placed at the back of the article, and a new page is started after the conclusion;

(3) The serial number is placed in square brackets, such as [1], and the serial number is.

(4) The description format of references is as follows:

(1) Author's name: title (plus title), publishing house, and year of publication.

(2) Journal author's name: article name (with title), journal name (with title), publication year, volume (issue): page numbers.

(3) Name of the author of the dissertation: title of the article (with title attached), storage place: storage unit, year.

(4) Name of newspaper author: article title (with title attached), newspaper title (with title attached) and publication date (first edition ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××

⑤ Author's name of electronic document: article name (with title), publisher (website, website name, webpage name), date of publication or update.

6. Appendix

(1) Content: It includes too long formulas, auxiliary mathematical tools needed by others for easy reading, repeated data and charts, symbolic meanings used in the paper, unit abbreviations, full text of the program and related explanations, etc.

(2) Appendix and text are numbered consecutively.

7. postscript

(1) Postscript must start from the right page of another page;

(2) Postscript can include the explanation and thanks of the paper; It should be simple and natural.

Examples of the format of the main part of the paper:


××××××××××××,××××××××××××××。 ×××××××××××××××××,××××××××××××,×××××××××××××××××××××××。

The first chapter XXX XXX


( 1) ×××××××××

×××××××××××××××,×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 [ 1]××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。

Section 2 * * * * *


Chapter II ×××× Year × Month × Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month× Day× Month × Month× Day × Month× Month × Day × Month× Month × Month × Month × Day × Month × Month × Month × Month × Month × Month × Month ×

××××××××××××××,×××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。


××××××××××,×××××××××,×××××××××××××××××××××××××。 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 [ 1]

×××××××××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。

refer to

[1] Zhang Zhijian: A Study of Yan Fu's Thought, Guangxi Normal University Press, 1989.

[2] Qian Liqun: Shi Tuo's novel "Yuan Ye" contains "Vientiane" magazine, China Modern Literature Research Series, No.3, 2005.

Chen, Billing, et al. Practical identification of MARMAX model [J].Int J Control,1990,52 (6).


Additional record




××××××××,××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。

Fourth, the binding of graduation thesis

Graduation thesis (design) must be bound according to the specified requirements, and the binding order is:

Page 1: paper cover

Page 2: Graduation thesis task book

Page 3: Graduation thesis review book

Page 4: Chinese abstract, keywords, English abstract, keywords

Page 5: Contents

Starting from page six: text (including introduction or preface, theme and conclusion)

The first page after the text: notes and references

Starting from the second page after the text: the appendix (optional) mainly includes some important original data, mathematical derivation, calculation program, block diagram, structure diagram, part drawing, assembly drawing, etc. (This page is optional, depending on the actual situation. )

Verb (abbreviation of verb) Number of printed dissertations

(1) The number of bound volumes of dissertations shall be 1 volume for tutors, reviewers of dissertations and members of defense committees, and * * * 4 volumes. Note: archived dissertations are required to be printed to ensure the quality of the text.

(2) Undergraduate students are required to submit the electronic documents of all the contents of the thesis to the office of the College of Literature for archiving in triplicate (one for students, one for tutors and one for departments).