# include & ltintrins.h & gt
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# Define uchar unsigned characters
# define first _ add r0// Defines the display starting position of characters/Chinese characters.
sbit lcd_rs=p2^2;
sbit lcd_rw=p2^3;
sbit lcd_e=p2^4;
sbit pcb=p2^5;
uchar i,j;
Invalid delay (ms)
When (ms)
for(j = 0; j & lt 120; j++);
Bit lcd_busy ()
{bit result;
LCD _ RS = 0;
LCD _ RW = 1;
LCD _ E = 1;
Result = (bit) (P0 & amp0x80);
LCD _ E = 0;
Return the result;
Invalid lcd_wcmd(uchar cmd)
while(LCD _ busy());
LCD _ RS = 0;
LCD _ RW = 0;
P0 = cmd
LCD _ E = 1;
LCD _ E = 0;
void lcd_wdata(uchar dat)
while(LCD _ busy());
LCD _ RS = 1;
LCD _ RW = 0;
P0 = dat
LCD _ E = 1;
LCD _ E = 0;
void lcd_initial()
LCD _ wcmd(0x 30);
Delay (1);
LCD _ wcmd(0x0C); //Turn on the monitor and turn off the cursor without blinking.
Delay (1);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 06); //Specifies the direction in which the cursor moves when writing or reading data.
Delay (1);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 0 1);
Delay (10); //The delay here is longer, otherwise it will affect the later operation.
/*-command to clear the screen */
void Clr_Screen()
//Considering the appearance of 0x34.
LCD _ wcmd(0x 0 1);
Delay (100);
Void _ FU(uchar code *s)
while(*s! =0)
{ LCD _ wdata(* s);
Delay (10);
Sense of emptiness 1 ()
LCD _ wcmd(0x 30);
Delay (300);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 80+first _ Addr);
zi _ FU(" 2065 438+03 03 26 ");
Delay (300);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 90+first _ Addr);
Zi_FU ("Electrical 08-17");
Delay (300);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 88+first _ Addr);
Sub _ operator ("nerdy");
Delay (300);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 98+first _ Addr);
Delay (500);
zi _ FU(" 2065 438+02 . 5 . 30 ");
void main()
PCB = 1;
while( 1)
LCD _ initial();
Delay (1000);
clr _ Screen();
Delay (3000);
for(I = 8; I>0; I-)
LCD _ wcmd(0x 18); //Switch one or two lines to three or four lines, and the LCD is divided into two and a half screens.
Delay (1000);
clr _ Screen();
LCD _ wcmd(0x 34);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 04);
Delay (3000);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 04); //Return to normal
Delay (3000);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 34);
LCD _ wcmd(0x 03); //Allows you to enter a scrolling address.
for(I = 0x 40; I & lt0x7fi++)
Lcd_wcmd (1); //Scroll the contents of the screen vertically.
Delay (600); //Increase the screen delay