1. Learn how to imitate shouting items, including periodical literature.
[serial number] author. Title of the document [J]. Name of publication, year of publication, volume number (issue number): page number from beginning to end.
2. Academic works
[serial number] author. Title [m]. Version (without the first note). Translation. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page numbers.
3. Papers with ISBN number
[serial number] prepared by the author. Title [A]. Editor in chief. Preparation of the thesis. Place of publication based on cover: publishing house, year of publication: starting and ending page numbers.
4. Thesis
[serial number] author. Title [d] Storage location: storage unit, year.
5. Patent Penetration Literature
[Imitation serial number] The patent has been published. Patent name [P]. Country of patent: patent number, release date.
6. Technical standards
[Serial Number] Standard code next to standard model and standard name. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
7. newspaper articles
[serial number] author. Title. Newspaper name and publication date (edition)
8. Report
[serial number] author. The title of the document. Report location: organizer and year of the report.
9. Electronic literature
[serial number] author. Title of electronic document [document type/carrier type]. Document website or source, release or update date/reference date (optional)