Chinese Title: (No.3, Song Ti)
Name of the author of the paper: (in italics below)
Author's student number:
Major of study:
Name and position of tutor:
Date of paper completion:
2. Title page: (inner page)
Thesis title: English title: (fine print, English font)
Chinese Title: (No.3, Song Ti)
Student name:
College name:
Paper completion time:
3. Thanks: It should be a separate page, no less than 100 words/word, and it should explain who needs to be thanked and why.
4. Summary and Contents
English abstract, keywords: [abstract] [keywords] (small four, page numbers are marked with lowercase Roman numerals, centered)
Chinese abstract, keywords: [abstract] [keywords] (3 to 5 terms, the fourth line is in small italics, marked with lowercase Roman numerals, centered) (English and Chinese abstracts are about 100 to 300 words respectively, and the abstract and keywords should be written separately from each other, and they should be placed in brackets and expressed in bold with brackets), "abstract (abstract)
Contents (in bold print): written with 1 grade, grade 2 and grade 3 titles, all less than grade 4, with 1.5 times line spacing. The title should be consistent with the text (the page number should be marked with lowercase Roman numerals and centered).
5. Text:
A) The text is the main part of the graduation thesis. According to the requirements of the second part "Printing and Binding" below, the text is about 10 pages, about 5000 words.
B) The text should be discussed in chapters (the page number should be marked with Arabic numerals and centered at the bottom of the page). Except that the main text is marked with Chapters I and II ..., Arabic numerals should be used to indicate the first, second and third subheadings, such as 1, 1. 1,1,etc. The first-level title, the second-level title and the third-level title are small and bold, and the text is small and four Times New Roman.
C) All quotations must have sources and be placed in brackets in the text. Generally, only the English surname, publication year and page number of the author are given. For example, the meaning of paraphrase should be (Halliday, 1976), and the direct quotation should be (Halliday, 1976: 134).
D) Footnotes are generally used for abbreviations, terms or other explanations, and endnotes can be used for notes that need special explanations, and their positions should be before references.
E) All examples are indicated in order by brackets and Arabic numerals.
F) The number of references shall not be less than 15, including at least 2 English references.
6. Conclusion: The number of words should not be less than 100 words/word, and the main findings of the paper should be clarified.