The main papers are:
1. yang shaopu, bifurcation and singularity of parametric vibration in systems with Davidenkov and a. Qouts hysteretic nonlinearity, newsletter of mechanical research, vol. 19, No.4, 1992, (SCI included in SCI).
2. Shao Puyang, Ahmadian M., Hopeful Bifurcation in Railway Wheelsets with Nonlinear Damping, Rail Transit, ASME, RTD- Vol. 12, 1996, (included in EI).
3. Ahmadian M. and Shao Puyang, Influence of suspension nonlinearity on bifurcation and stability of railway vehicles, Railway Transportation, ASME, RTD, Vol. 13, 1997, (included in EI).
4. Ahmadian M. and Shao Puyang, Hopf Bifurcation and Snake Behavior in Orbital Wheelsets with Rim Contact, Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 15, Page 15-30, Page 1998 (included in EI).
5. Yang Shaopu, A. H. Nayfeh, D.T. Mook, Combinatorial Resonance of Duffing Oscillator in Response to Tri-frequency Excitation, Journal of Machinery, vol. 13 1, pp. 235-245, pp. 1998, (by SCI)
6. Ahmadian M. and Shao Puyang, Influence of system nonlinearity on hunting stability of locomotive bogies, Vehicle System Dynamics, Volume 29, 1998, pp. 365-384 (included in EI).
7. Application of Yuan, Xu Rui, Chen, El, Yang, SP, Lanczos method in synchronous calculation of eigenvectors and their derivatives, Journal, Vol.36, No.3, 1998, (included by SCI).
8. Yang Shaopu, Chen Yushu, Bifurcation of a Class of Single-degree-of-freedom Lag-Self-excited Vibration System, Journal of Vibration Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, 199 1.
9. Yang Shaopu, Chen, Hopf Bifurcation of Nonlinear Suspension Bogies, Journal of Railways, 15, No.4, 1993.
10. yang shaopu, main vibration of Du Fen system under multi-frequency excitation, journal of Shijiazhuang railway institute, vol. 6, No.2, 1993.
1 1. Yang Shaopu, Non-main vibration of Du Fen system under multi-frequency excitation, Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Vol.6, No.3, 1993.
12. Yang Shaopu, Research on Digital Simulation and Analog Computer Simulation of Multi-frequency Excitation Du Fen Oscillator, Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Vol.6, No.4, 1993.
13. Yang Shaopu, Yuan, Chen, Bifurcation and singularity of vibration of multi-frequency excited nonlinear systems with time delay, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 5 (2,3), 1998.
14. Liu Xiandong, Li, Yang Shaopu, Stability and Hopf Bifurcation of Rubbing of Rotating Machinery with Eccentric Mass, Journal of Vibration Engineering, Vol. 12,No. 1, 1999, (included in EI).
15. Yuan, Chen, Yang Shaopu, Identification of moving load by orthotropic plate response, vibration test and diagnosis, Vol. 18, No.3, 1998, (included in EI).
16. Yuan, Chen, Yang Shaopu, Synchronous Iterative Method for Computing Eigenvectors and Their Derivatives, Journal of Vibration Engineering, Vol.1/kloc-0, No.4, 1998, (included in EI).
17. Gao, yang shaopu, Guo Jingbo, nonlinear control of Hopf bifurcation in wheelset hunting, journal of railway, vol. 24, No.3, 2002.
18. Liu Xiandong, Yang Shaopu, Shen Yongjun, Li, A new method for detecting mutation information based on singular value decomposition and its application, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 38, No.6, 2002, (included in EI)
19. Zhang Xuefeng, Li Shaohua, Yang Shaopu, Fan Debo, dynamic analysis of hysteretic system under multi-frequency excitation, Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, 15, No.3, 2002.
20. Li Shaohua, Yang Shaopu. Chaos, vibration, test and diagnosis in automobile suspension with hysteresis nonlinearity, Vol.23, No.2, pp.86-89, 2003, (included in EI).
2 1. Gao, yang shaopu, Guo Jingbo, research trend and prospect of automobile suspension control system, mechanical strength, vol. 25, No.3, 2003 (included in EI)
22. Li Shaohua, Zhang Xuefeng, Yang Shaopu, Main parameters of Vanderbilt system under multi-frequency excitation-combined vibration, vibration, test and diagnosis, Vol.23, No.3, PP188-19, 2003,9 (included in ei).
23. Yang Shaopu, Guo, Study on Chaotic Motion of Hysteresis Nonlinear Suspension System under Multi-frequency Excitation, Journal of Mechanical Research, vol. 3 1, pp. 229-236, 2004 (included in ei).
Monograph 1. Zhang Wei, Yang Shaopu and others. Periodic vibration and bifurcation of nonlinear systems, Science Press, 200 1, 12.
2. Yang Shaopu, Shen Yongjun, Bifurcation and Singularity of Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay, Science Press, 2003,7
Patent 1, high-load wire rope damper, ZL 93 2 14059.9, ranked first.
2. Shock absorber, ZL 98 2 13288.3, ranked first.