1. Identify your target audience: What is the professional field of your thesis? What are the main journals or conferences in this field? You need to make sure that your paper can attract your target readers.
2. Check the impact factors of journals or conferences: this is an indicator to measure the impact of journals or conferences. The higher the impact factor, it usually means that the more readers the journal or conference has, the more likely it will be cited by other scholars.
3. Check the topic range of the journal or conference: Does the topic of your thesis conform to the topic range of the journal or conference? If not, even if your thesis is of high quality, it may not be accepted.
4. Check the review process of journals or conferences: A rigorous review process helps to improve the quality of papers. You should choose a journal or conference that strictly examines the papers submitted.
5. Consider the budget: the publishing cost may be high, especially for some well-known periodicals. You should take this into consideration and choose periodicals or conferences within your budget.
6. Ask your mentor or peers for advice: They may have a deep understanding of your research field and can provide valuable advice.
7. Check the papers published in journals or conferences in the past to see if they are related to your research topic and how good it is.
8. Finally, don't ignore the submission deadline. If you miss the deadline, you may have to wait a long time to submit your paper again.