Introduce (put forward central arguments and sub-arguments)
Arguments are divided into arguments 1+ arguments (cases)+analysis arguments.
This argument is divided into argument 2+ argument (case)+analysis argument.
Argument is divided into argument 3+ argument (case)+analysis argument.
Conclusion (refer to full text)
Language is the key to communication.
▲ the beginning part: rise up and talk in general.
▲ Part II: Parallel Structure
Argument 1: Proper language expression is beneficial to the communication of family ties.
Sub-argument 2: Proper language expression is conducive to friendly communication.
Argument 3: Proper language expression is conducive to the exchange of love.
▲ conclusion: deepen the topic and reiterate the point of view.
In China, these three systems are HowNet/VIP/Wanfang, and the resources inside