Intelligent safety helmet evolved from traditional safety helmet, more precisely, it is a high-tech upgraded version of traditional safety helmet. The traditional safety helmet only has a single function of protecting the head safety of personnel. In order to meet the diverse needs of the construction site, the intelligent safety helmet not only includes the basic components such as the cap shell, the cap lining and the jaw strap, but also adds an intelligent electronic module, which has core functions such as attendance, calling for help, voice visual intercom, physical condition monitoring, etc., and cooperates with the back-end intelligent field management platform to reduce costs and increase efficiency for enterprises.
Intelligent safety helmet realizes all-round control of construction site
At present, the common smart helmets on the market include Zhongtai Chuangan, Kanazawa, Builder, Runde, Guanglianda, Sifutai and so on. Simply make a list of your friends and compare their advantages and disadvantages.
Domestic 10 Top Smart Helmet Brand
All in all, when artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other technologies are combined with helmets, not only the safety of front-end operators is fully and intimately guaranteed, but also the back-end management is more intelligent and efficient.