Around the fate of Neanderthals, there are three main theories about the origin of modern Homo sapiens put forward over the years: ① Neanderthal stage theory; (2) homo sapiens said before; (3) the former Nepalese said.
Schwab of Germany published many papers from 1897 to 1906, and proposed that Neanderthal skulls had many primitive anthropoid characteristics, which was the intermediate link from Homo erectus to modern humans. Nepal stage is an intermediate stage in the process of human development. This is the Nepalese stage of the origin of modern Homo sapiens.
19 12 Keith in Britain proposed that Nepalese were not the ancestors of modern people, but another type that developed in parallel with the ancestors of modern people according to some skeletal fossils that were considered earlier than Nepalese at that time. Modern people evolved from Homo sapiens before Nepalese. This is the origin of modern people, said the former Homo sapiens.
During this period, Buller of France also reached the same view, and published many articles between1911914, claiming that Nepalis are ancient extinct species, which are not within the human evolution system.
Both of these theories have their own supporters, such as Hedley Hicka of the United States in 1927 and Dunrui Wei of Germany in 1940. They still support the basic single-line concept of some form of human evolution.
In the1950s, the former Homo sapiens said that the main defender was valois, a Frenchman, who was Buhler's heir. 1954, he emphasized the theory of homo sapiens in advance, and one of the important bases was the Swanscombe skull discovered in England from 1935 to 1936, which was earlier, but its shape was closer to homo sapiens.
After 1950s, the pre-Nepali theory rose gradually, and in 1970s, it became the most popular theory about the evolutionary status of Nepalis in Europe.
The theory of pre-Nepal was first put forward by Smith of Britain in 1924, and it was considered that some Nepalese fossils were not so specialized and earlier. They are the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens and more professional Nepalese. But this statement has not attracted people's attention. It was not until the early 1950s that it was put forward by Italian Sage 1953 and Howells 195 1 and 1957 that anthropologists paid attention to it. In 195 1, howells pointed out that the skulls of Palestinian Mount Carmel (Tabang and Mount Khur), together with the fossils of Steinheim, Ellingsdorf, Krapina, Sacopasto and Cheshektash, represent a widely distributed and earlier "progressive" Nepalese or former Nepalese group, who belong to modern homo sapiens. 1957, he more specifically proposed that modern homo sapiens in Europe may have evolved from the Hull people. Later, Le Gross Clark agreed in 1955, Bretin Ge in 1958 and Weiner in 1958 that the former Neanderthals were mainly from Swansekum in Europe.
Since the early 1960s, Blaise of the United States has resumed the theory of Nepal stage and revisited the theory put forward by hedley Hicka in 19 1 1. It is considered that the change of masticatory function is the main factor of the later type change of human skull. According to Bryce, in the middle and late Paleolithic period, more specialized tools replaced the functions previously performed by incisors, relieved the stress of craniofacial bones, and caused a series of morphological changes, which evolved into the skull type of modern people. Wolpov also emphasized in 1980 that the role of cultural changes in the whole old continent has also transformed ancient Homo sapiens distributed in existing areas into modern Homo sapiens.
Some people think that typical Nepalese people have a series of special morphological characteristics, indicating that they are a branch of human evolution system, such as Howells in 1975, Trinkaus and Howells in 1979, and Stringer and Trinkaus in 198 1.
Recently, some young anthropologists especially emphasized the qualitative difference between Nigerians and early modern people, and thought that the latter came from areas outside Europe, such as stringer 1974, Herblin 1984, brower 1978.
On the whole. At present, paleoanthropologists have not agreed on the systematic position of Neanderthals, especially the so-called typical Neanderthals in western Europe. One view is that modern Homo sapiens (white people in Europe) evolved gradually from local Nepalese. This theory is called direct evolution or system theory. The other theory is invasion theory, also known as migration theory or substitution theory. This theory holds that Europe is the hometown of typical Nepalese. Anatomically, modern people evolved outside Europe, and then invaded Nepal in Europe and wiped out the indigenous Nepalese.
There are some problems in both theories.
From West Asia, it is one of the regions with the richest fossil materials. The remains of Tabang are similar to those of Nepalese, while the individuals of Hull are anatomically closer to modern people, and the specimens of Kafza are completely modern people's characteristics. The overlapping period of these specimens shows that this is a very complicated transformation process. It can be inferred that people from outside Europe move into Europe, although sometimes they may conflict with each other, but the results are always mixed, resulting in the existing people in Europe, at least some of them. Some characteristics of Nigerians, such as towering noses, are similar to those of Europeans today, but different from other modern races.
According to the phenomenon that Nigerians suddenly disappeared from archaeological excavations and were replaced by modern people, some people think that this rapid change generally occurred between 35,000 and 40,000 years, but the time was slightly different from place to place. In such a short time, it is impossible to change from Nepalese to modern people. However, there is also evidence recently that the actual time may be much longer, and it can be changed from Nepalese to modern people.
The record of this stratum is very unclear. There are no human bones in many places, only stone tools of this kind and that kind. The early stone tools were called the most culture and were traditionally made by Nigerians. Later stone tools were called Chatterperon and Orgna culture, which were traditionally considered to be made by modern people. On top of most tools, there is a layer of Chater Belon or Orina tools directly, which means that modern people suddenly replaced Nigerians.
Discoveries in recent years have weakened this obvious distinction. Modern human bones were discovered with most tools. Recently, another Nepali skeleton was found, accompanied by the tools of Chad Peron.
Now the improved image of Nigerians is more like modern people, which makes them more likely to be the ancestors of modern Europeans.
On the other hand, there is evidence to support the invasion theory. When Nigerians lived in Europe, Fully formed modern people appear in Africa and West Asia. Recently, evidence of the evolution of Nepalese to modern people was found in West Asia, much earlier than in Europe. For a long time, intermarriage with neighboring nationalities has been common among hunter-gatherers, so new genetic characteristics gradually spread to neighboring people; Occasionally, migration or even conflict may occur in some places, thus accelerating this spread. Many anthropologists believe that in the long process of human evolution, frequent hybridization is carried out slowly, so that genes can spread.