The story revolves around an old Cuban fisherman fighting a huge marlin in the Gulf Stream off the coast.
Although Hemingway's The Old Man is tragic, he has Nietzsche's "superman" quality, accepting defeat calmly and facing death bravely. These "tough guys" embody Hemingway's philosophy of life and moral ideal, that is, human beings never bow to fate, never admit defeat, and have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.
I recommend a book, The Old Man and the Sea, which is a novella written by American writer Hemingway in Cuba and published by 195 1, 1952.
This work revolves around the story of an old Cuban fisherman fighting a huge marlin in the Gulf Stream off the coast.
Although Hemingway's old man is tragic, he has the characteristics of Nietzsche's superman, accepting failure and facing death bravely. These "tough guys" embody Hemingway's philosophy of life and moral ideal, that is, the fighter spirit and positive and optimistic attitude towards life that human beings will never bow to fate and never give up.