Use jeep to cross 1000 km desert.
The total fuel consumption of the jeep is 500 gallons, and the fuel consumption rate is 1 gallon/km.
Since there is no oil depot in the desert, we should first use this car to build a temporary oil depot in the desert.
Jeeps cross the desert with the least fuel consumption, where to build oil depots, and the oil storage capacity of each place.
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# include & ltiostream & gt
Use namespace std
Void Desert ()
int dis,k,oil,d 1;
dis = 500
k = 1;
Oil = 500;
Cout & lt& lt "No. Starting oil storage (km) "< <; endl
Do {
cout & lt& ltk & lt& lt" " " & lt& lt 1000-dis & lt; & lt" ""<& lt petroleum & lt& ltendl
k = k+ 1;
d 1 = dis;
dis = dis+500/(2 * k- 1);
Oil = 500 * k;;
} while(dis & lt; 1000);
cout & lt& ltendl
//origin oil storage
Oil = 500 * (k-1)+(1000-dis) * (2 * k-1);
Cout & lt<k<< ""<<0< ""<< oil<& ltendl.
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
Desert ();
Returns 0;