Harald Zul Hausen, Professor of Virology, Herun-Nuremberg University. 1936 was born in Germany, and now works for the German Cancer Research Center. It took him more than ten years to finally discover that some types of human papillomavirus are the pathogens of cervical cancer, which laid the foundation for the development of cervical cancer vaccines. He won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the virus that causes cervical cancer.
Francoise Barre Sinoussi, a Frenchman, was born in 1947 and has been working in the Pasteur Research Center in France since the early 1970s. Barr-Sinosi is one of the rare female winners of the Nobel Prize in Science in recent years. She is famous for her research on HIV and one of the authors of the paper 1983 on the discovery of HIV.
Barr Sinosi and his colleague Montagni, who discovered HIV, won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with German scientist harald Zulhausen, who discovered human papillomavirus.
Luc Montagni is an honorary professor at the French National Center for Scientific Research, chairman of the World AIDS Research and Prevention Foundation, a famous French virologist and one of the discoverers of HIV. He was born in France on 1932. He is a professor of virology at the University of Paris and an honorary professor and director of the World AIDS Research and Prevention Foundation in Paris, France.
He has made great achievements in the research and prevention of AIDS. In 2008, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.