Money can buy a house, but not a family; Money can buy friends, but it can't buy sincerity; Money can buy books, but not knowledge; Money can buy medicine, but not health; Money can buy material happiness, but not spiritual happiness.
How many people have been crazy about money since ancient times? How many people have taken the illegal road? How many honest officials have stepped into the abyss of corrupt officials? But is money really that good? Many people regard money as a god, but treat money as a god, and money will punish you like a devil. Einstein is a man who doesn't care about money.
After 26-year-old Einstein created the "special theory of relativity" that shocked the world, money and fame flooded in, but he was indifferent to all this. He said: "People strive for vulgar goals-property, vanity and luxury, which I found contemptible when I was young." He used to bookmark a check worth 1500 dollars. Some people were surprised, but he said calmly, "What matters is not this, but science."
The use of money to human beings is only equal to the use of clothes to human beings. But many people take money too seriously and do not hesitate to take any means to get it; Do not hesitate to harm the interests of others; Even at the expense of their great youth and precious life. However, these are just their own selfish intentions operating quietly in a certain corner of their hearts. They are only used by some people to measure people's social status, and they are just chips used by people to compare.
Money is either a slave or a master, and nothing else. The greed for money and pleasure urges us to become their slaves, or throw our whole body and mind into the abyss. Mercenarism is a nasty disease, but the pursuit of pleasure is even more shameful and hopeless. So many people are slaves of money. Are you a slave or a master of money?
Actually, I have nothing against people loving money. Although money is not everything, it is absolutely impossible without money. But a gentleman loves money and takes it wisely. Money is like fertilizer. If you don't sow in the ground, it is useless in itself. If we love money, we should use it in useful places, otherwise it is a waste of money.
If we donate money to charity and do good things for people, then the money will really be used. It will be a waste if we spend all this money on flashy places. It is better to enrich yourself with books than to decorate yourself with gorgeous and precious jewels. It is better to smell like a book than to smell like jewels.
Many people pursue material wealth all their lives, but seldom pursue spiritual wealth. But they don't know that spiritual wealth is far more important than material wealth.