(1) journal
[serial number] main author. Title of the document [J]. Name of publication, year of publication, volume number (issue number): starting and ending page numbers.
For example: [1] Yuan Qinglong, Hou. Study on microstructure and microhardness of Ni-P alloy coating [J]. Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology, 200 1, 32 (1): 5 1-53.
(2) Monographs
[serial number] author. Title [M]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page number.
For example: [2] Liu Guojun, Wang Liancheng. Research on library history [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,1979:15-18,31.
(3) Prose
[serial number] author. File title [C]. Edit. Collection name. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page number.
For example: [3] Sun Pinyi. Modernization characteristics of university journal editors [C]. Journal of Natural Science Research Association of China University. Selected Papers of Sci-tech Editors (2). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 1998: 10-22.
(4) Dissertation
[serial number] author. Title [D] Storage location: storage unit, year.
Such as [4] Zhang Hesheng. Geomechanical system theory [D]. Taiyuan: Taiyuan University of Technology, 1998.
(5) Report
[serial number] author. The title of the document. Report location: organizer and year of the report.
For example: [5] Feng Xiqiao. LBB analysis of nuclear reactor pressure vessel [R]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology Design and Research, 1997.
(6) Patent literature
[serial number] patent owner. Patent name [P]. Patent country: patent number, release date.
For example: [6] Jiang Xizhou. Preparation scheme of a warm externally applied medicine [P]. China patents: 88 1056078, 1983-08- 12.
(7) International and national standards
[serial number] standard code, standard name. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
For example: [7] GB/T16159-1996 Basic Rules of Chinese Phonetic Orthography [S]. Beijing: China Standards Publishing House, 1996.
(8) newspaper articles
[serial number] author. File title [N]. Name and publication date (edition) of the newspaper.
For example: [8] Xie Xide. Creative learning concept. People's Daily,1998-12-25 (10).
(9) Electronic literature
[serial number] author. Title of electronic document [document type/carrier type]. The publication or available address, publication date or update/reference date of the electronic document (optional).
For example: [9] Wang Mingliang. Standardized Database System Engineering of China Academic Journals [EB/OL].
Description format of references
1, author of the journal. Title [J] Name of publication, year of publication, volume (issue): page numbers.
2. Monograph author. Title [m]. Version (first edition not recorded). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page number.
3. Author, title [c] and editing procedure, name procedure, place of publication: publisher, year of publication: start and end pages.
4. Author of the paper. Title [D] Save the location. Save unit. Year.
5. Title of the patent document [P]. Country. Types of patent documents. Patent number. publication date
6. Standard number. Standard name
7. newspaper author. Title. Newspaper name. Publication date (version)
8. Author of the report. Title [R]. Save the location and year.
9. Author of electronic document. Title [Identification of electronic documents and carrier types]. The source and date of the document.
Reference type
According to GB3469-83 "File Type and File Carrier Code", it is identified by a single letter:
M- Monographs (including works on history and chronicles in ancient books)
Newspaper articles
Journal articles
Doctoral dissertation
R- research report
S standard
A—— Precipitated documents in monographs and papers.
Z—— Other unspecified literature types
Electronic document types are identified by two letters:
computer program
Electronic bulletin
For electronic documents with non-paper carriers, the carrier type shall be indicated in the reference mark:
A database on an online network
Database/tape database
M/CD-CD books
CP/DK disk software
J/OL- online log
EB/ol- online electronic bulletin