[2] Liu Dexi, Ji Donghong. Evaluation model of content consistency of abstracts based on basic elements. Chinese journal of computers, China, 2008(4): 628-635. (EI)
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Semi-supervised system extraction based on graph model. Software magazine (accepted). (EI)
[4] Ji Donghong, the attribute structure resource of Chinese nominal compound words. Included by SCI and EI.
[5] Ji Donghong, He, Xiao. Feature Selection and MDL Principle Based on Word Meaning Learning, 2006,40 (3). Language resources and evaluation. (SCI-E)
[6] Ji Donghong, Yang. Reordering Chinese documents based on local and global distribution. Language resources and evaluation (accepted)
[7] Ji Donghong, Huang Changning & Gong Junping. Add new words to the Chinese lexicon. Computer and Humanities, Volume 33 (1), 1998. (SCI-E)
Niu, Ji Donghong, Tan Zhoulin. Using clustering verification criteria to determine the optimal feature subset and clustering number of document clustering, 43(3), Information Processing and Management, 2007. (SSCI,SCI-E,EI)
[9] Niu, Ji Donghong. Learn the model order from the labeled and unlabeled data of partial supervised classification and apply it to WSD. Computer Phonetics and Language, 2007. (EI)
[10] Ji Donghong, Huang Changning. Semantic combination model of Chinese nouns and adjectives. COLIPS communication, 1997
[1 1] Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong, Tan Zhoulin. The relationship is automatically extracted by model order recognition and name labeling. Proceedings of IJCNLP2005, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence 365 1: 390-40 1 2005. (SCI-E,EI)
[12] Niu Zhengyu, Ji Donghong, Zhou Lintan, Yang. Word sense disambiguation based on semi-supervised learning. CICLing 2005: 238-24 1, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 3408. (SCI-E,EI)
[13] Zhou, Yang, Ji Donghong. Segmentation and labeling of sequence data using mutual information independent model based on kernel density estimation. CICLing 2005: 155- 166。 Lecture notes on computer science, 3406. (SCI-E,EI)
[14] Yu Zhengniu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. Document clustering based on cluster verification. Proceedings of 2004 China International Conference. (EI)
[15] Yu Zhengniu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. Feature selection of word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. It is also in the class notes of computer science. (SCI-E,EI)
[16] Li Tang, Ji Donghong. Conceptual basis of lexical relevance, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, 2004. It is also in the class notes of computer science. (SCI-E,EI)
[17] He Tingling, Li Jing, Ji Donghong. Automatic discovery of ISO relations between synonym sets in plane thesaurus. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE NLP-KE'05, 2005, p287-293. (EI)
[18] Quan Changqin, He, Tingting, Hu Po, Ji Donghong. The application of Boosting in Chinese word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE NLP-KE'05, 2005, p9- 13. (EI)
[19] Yu Zhengniu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. Learn word meaning with feature selection and sequence recognition ability. ACL04 minutes, 2004: 629-636.
[20] Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Relationship extraction of semi-supervised learning based on tag propagation. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society in 2006.
[2 1] Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Unsupervised relation disambiguation based on spectral clustering. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society in 2006
[22] Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Unsupervised relationship disambiguation with sequence recognition ability. EMNLP conference proceedings in 2006
[23] Niu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. Partially supervised word sense disambiguation by learning sense numbers from marked and unlabeled corpora. EMNLP conference proceedings in 2006
[24] Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Semi-supervised relation extraction based on label propagation. NAACL-HLT Proceedings, 2006
[25] Niu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. Word sense disambiguation of semi-supervised learning based on tag propagation. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society in 2005
[26] Niu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. A semi-supervised feature clustering algorithm and its application in word sense disambiguation. HLT/EMNLP 2005 proceedings
[27] Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong, Tan Zhoulin. Feature selection for unsupervised relation extraction. Proceedings of the International Commission of Jurists in 2005
[28] Ji Donghong. Some studies on computational semantics. The third sino-japanese natural language conference. Processing, 2004, Hong Kong
[29] Hu Po, He Tingting, Ji Donghong. Automatic summarization based on clustering. Automatic summary of conference proceedings, CIT 2004
[30] Li Tang, Ji Donghong. A semantic analysis model of Chinese sentences. Proceedings of ACL 2004 Chinese Information Processing Seminar
Ji Donghong, Tang Li, Yang. Establish a Chinese concept gallery. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Lexical Resources and Evaluation
[32] Li Tang, Ji Donghong. The mapping between syntactic structure and conceptual structure. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Lexical Resources and Evaluation
Niu, Dong Hongji, Tan Zhoulin. Optimization of feature set for Chinese word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Evaluation of Text Semantic Analysis System
[34] Ji Donghong, Li Tang. Establish a Chinese sentence concept gallery. September 2003 European China Linguistics Conference.
[35] Li Tang, Ji Donghong. Chinese sentence vocabulary tree database project. 17th International Congress of Linguists, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2003.
[36] Li Tang, Ji Donghong. Formal model of semantic representation. COMPLEX 2003, 7th conference on computational lexicography and text research, Budapest, Hungary, April 2003.
[37] Ji Donghong, Yang, Nie Yu. Chinese information retrieval based on term extraction. The Third NTCIR Seminar, 2002 10, Tokyo
[38] Ji Donghong. Design and construction of concept library. The third symposium on Chinese lexical semantics. May 2002, Taipei.
[39] Lucto, Ji Donghong. Meaning transfer in word formation. Proceedings of the third seminar on Chinese lexical semantics. May 2002, Taipei.
[40] Ji Donghong. Semantic tagging of Chinese phrases based on recursive graph. Proceedings of 2000 Chinese Information Processing Symposium of American Computer Society, Hong Kong.
Ji Donghong, Huang Changning, & Gong Junping. Combine Chinese thesaurus with Chinese dictionary. In the minutes of ACL/COLING'98 98 meeting