Geography is very practical. With the progress and development of mankind, geography has gradually integrated into our daily life. We used to think it was just an exam subject. However, I don't know that it is actually closely related to our lives. At the same time, it is also the most basic and important knowledge for us to build the motherland and protect the environment of the motherland. In the face of the motherland that has nurtured us for more than ten years, we may not be able to make any impassioned and well-known great contributions. However, we can build and protect our motherland bit by bit by making use of the geographical knowledge we know. You know, mastering a lot of life-related knowledge is not all about exam results, but about whether you can really understand and apply it to life and expand your thinking.
Through the study of geographical knowledge, we can understand the basic knowledge about the earth and the universe, world geography, China geography and local geography, and understand the problems of environment and development. So that we have the skills to learn geography initially, and know a lot about the geography of the motherland, as well as the development degree, urbanization process, customs and environmental problems of the region.