1. If you do it, he will do it twice or more. China is, after all, a society that values human feelings. You shouldn't be so hard on your tutor. Now the second work has some functions, but most of them are very small. It's not so unacceptable to give your mentor a favor. Maybe the tutor will repay it and give you benefits in the future.
The tutor must give him a job and ask the tutor to give him other compensation. If he doesn't give you any compensation and wants to take this paper away, then consider the impact of losing this paper on you and compare the impact of the deterioration of your relationship with your tutor.
The tutor has been unkind to you, and there is no way out. Take the paper to the tutor.
In fact, what I want to say is one sentence: which side is more important? In the future, the tutor's attitude towards you will still be this paper. I don't know the specific situation, I must define it.
But life is often unfair, come on.
Published on April 2022-11. The copyright belongs to the author.
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