Published papers (more than 70 papers, including 30 papers included in SCI and 8 papers from international conferences).
1. Su,, Ding Yanping,, Zhao Shanting, Wang Jianlin, Zhao. Effects of tooth loss on spatial learning and memory in mice. China Nature Reserve, 2009, 19 (2): 77-80.
Zhao W, Dai F, Bonafe D A, sch & ampaumlfer S, Jung M, Yusuf F, Gamel AJ, Wang J, Brand-Saberi B. Histone deacetylase inhibitor Trichostatin A affects the gene expression pattern during the morphogenesis of chicken limb buds in vivo. Cell tissue. 2009 1 month 16. [EPUB before printing. (included in SCI)
[13] Wang Liying, Lei Zhu, Wang Jianlin. Gender differences in thickness of proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct in rats. Sichuan Animals, Volume 28, 2009,118-119.
3. Yuan Gang, Ma Jun, Ye Wei, Bai Zhong and Wang Jun. Anatomy of coronary artery in bactrian camel. 2009, Volume 33: 366-377. (included in SCI).
Gao, Shao Baoping, Ma Jinghong, Yu Shiyuan,. Anatomical and histochemical characteristics of lacrimal gland of bactrian camel, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 15, No.2: 162- 167, 2008. (included in SCI)
Peng Xiaoyan,,,,. Morphology of tongue papilla of bactrian camel, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 15, No.2: 173- 180, 2008. (included in SCI)
Morphological and adaptive characteristics of brain and hippocampus structure of bactrian camels, Chen, Bai, Gao and Wang. Vetres Community, 5 July 2008. [EPUB before printing] (included in SCI)
Gao, Ma Jinghong, Yu Shiyuan, Anatomical and histochemical characteristics of lacrimal gland of bactrian camel, China Journal of Anatomy, 2008, vol. 3 1 [6]: 795-798.
Zhao, Beate Brand-Saberi, Wang Jianlin, Effects of different concentrations of trichostatin A on limb bud development of chicken embryos, acta anatomica sinica, 2008, 39 (5), 728-733.
, Peng Xiaoyan, Bai Zhongtian, He, Gross Anatomical Study on the Tongue of Bactrian Camel, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 15,No. 1No.: 95-10/,2008. (included in SCI)
5. Zhu Lei, Chun Yang, Xie Zhaohui and Wang Jianlin. Morphology and morphometry of adult bactrian camels' follicles, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 15,No. 1: 103- 108, 2008. (included in SCI)
, Gao, Bai Zhongtian,. Morphology of fetal brain of camel (Camelus bactrianus), Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 15,No. 1:109-11. (included in SCI)
Zhao he Brain Magnetic Resonance of Camelus bactrianus, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 15,No. 11-16, 2008. (included in SCI)
Shao Peiping, Ding Yongping, Yu Shengyou, Wang Jilin, arterial supply of yak eye. Research and science. April 2008; 84 (2): 174-7 ... (included in SCI)
5], Xie Qiusheng, Li Haiyan, Wang Jianlin and Bai Zhongtian. Anatomy and morphometry of metacarpals and phalanges of adult bactrian camels, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 14, No.2: 143- 149, 2007. (included in SCI)
, Gao, Bai Zhongtian,. Morphological comparison of the brains of bactrian camels (bactrian camels) near $ TERM, Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 14, No.2: 139- 142, 2007. (included in SCI)
Zhao, Dai, Beat, Saberi. Effects of trichostatin A on Gene Expression Patterns in Chicken Embryo Wings and Buds, China Science Series C, 2007, Volume 37 [6]: 64 1-65 1. (included in SCI)
Wen Weidong, Yuan Feng, Wang Jilin, Hou Yaoping. Treatment of OV albumin sensitive rats with botulinum toxin. Neuroimmunology. 14 (2): 78-83 ... (included in SCI).
Ding Yanping, Shao Baoping, Arterial Supply of Yak Brain, Anatomical Yearbook, 189 1 (1),1February 2007, 3 1-38. (included in SCI)
Shao Baoping, Ding Yanping, Zhao Hui Xie He: Yak's colonial revolutionary ganglion and its branches. Veterinary Journal, Vol. 173 (1):176-179, 2007. (included in SCI)
2 1. Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Journal of camel practice and research (India), vol. 13,No. 1: 6 1-66, 2006. (included in sci)
22.Zhang X, Dai F, Weise C, Yusuf F, Bona Federe A, Morosan-Puopolo G, Rehimi R, Wang J, Brand-Saberi B. Expression of cNOC2, an avian gene encoding nucleolar complex related protein 2, during embryonic development. War-like embryo (Berlin). 2006 1 1 month; 2 1 1 [6]: 649-57. (included in SCI)
23. Du Xiaohua; Liu Xia; Liu Ying; Wang Jianlin; Scanning electron microscopic observation on the microvascular architecture of the subpleural lung of bactrian camel, acta anatomica sinica, 2006, Vol.37 (1): 87-90.
22. Wang Jianlin, 10 1 Annual Meeting of European Anatomy Society, International Academic Trends, 2006,4 (CJFD Journal).
23. Yu Shiyuan; Yan Feng; Wang Jianlin; Wang Ziren; Comparative observation on pulmonary microvascular casts of snake and sand lizard, Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), 02, 2006, Overview of China Core Journals, CJFD, China Journal Square.
24. Yu Shiyuan; Sister Gong; Zhong Huliu; Wang Jianlin; Wang Ziren; Scanning electron microscopic observation of microvascular mold in the lung of Youyouhe Welding Head, Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), Vol.43 (2): 465-467, 2006.
25. Yu Shiyuan, Wang Jianlin, Wang Ziren. Research Progress of Pulmonary Microvessels, Journal of Northwest Normal University (Natural Science Edition), No.41Volume (4): 96-10/,2005.
26. thank you; She Qiusheng; Shao Baoping; Ding Yanping; Liu Chongbin; Wang Jianlin Research progress on circadian rhythm synchronization mechanism of mammalian biological clock, Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 33 (9): 46-52, 2005.
27. Yang Sizhong, Cui, Zhao Jianyou, Qing Jianqi, Wang Jianlin *, Observation on Behavior and Activity Rhythm of Wild Bactrian Camels in captivity, China Science and Technology Paper Online, February 24, 2005.
28. Yang Sizhong, Cui, Zhao Jianyou, Qing Jianqi, Wang Jianlin *, Preliminary Study on Feeding Behavior of Wild Bactrian Camels in captivity, China Science and Technology Paper Online, February 5, 2005.
29. Yang Sizhong, Cui, Zhao Jianyou, Qing Jianqi, Wang Jianlin *, Estrous Behavior of Wild Bactrian Camels in captivity, China Science and Technology Papers Online, February 24, 2005.
30. Wang et al and Lin Jian. Wang: The microvascular architecture in the interstitial lung of bactrian camel. Journal. Camel Practice and Research (India), Volume 12,No. 1:13-16,2005 (included by SCI).
3 1. Shao Baoping, Ding Yanping, Yu Hongxian, Wang Jianlin *: Arterial supply of yak brain, acta anatomica sinica, 2005,36 [5]: 573-576.
32. Shao Baoping, Ding Yanping, Yu Hongxian, Wang Jianlin *: Arterial distribution of yak eyes, Zoology, 2005,40 (3):104-1/kloc-0.
33. Shao Baoping, Wang Jianlin, et al. Brain Anatomy of Yak, China Scientific Papers Online, February 24, 2005.
34. Cui, S; Wang,; Thanks, zm. Nerve supply of bactrian camel's orbit. Veterinary Research Newsletter, 28 (1): 7- 15, 2004 1 month. (included in SCI)
35. Yu Shiyuan; Calcium dobesilate capsules; Zhong Huliu; Wang Ziren; Wang Jianlin, observation of coronary artery cast of Blue Horse Chicken, Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 4 1 [6]: 1254- 1258, 2004.
36. She Qiusheng; Guo Shuguang; Wang Jianlin; Shao Jianning; Yan Kai; Liu Haisen; Study on Submerged Fermentation and Extraction Technology of Pectinase Strain G55 12, Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 32 (5): 85-87, 2004.
37. Yu Shiyuan; Calcium dobesilate capsules; Zhong Huliu; Wang Ziren; Wang Jianlin; Comparative observation on pulmonary microvascular casts of lizards and toads, Journal of Northwest Normal University (Natural Science Edition), Vol.40 (2): 55-58, 2004.
38. Wang Jianlin, Pheochromocytobiology is getting more and more attention, International Academic Trends, 2004, No.2: 42, 2004.
39. Yu Shiyuan, Si calcium dobesilate capsules, Zhonghu Liu, Wang Jianlin, Observation on Coronary Artery of Blue Horse Chicken, Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), 41[6]:1254-1258, 2004.
40. Yang Sizhong; Li Haiyan; Chen; Wang Jianlin On the Agricultural Dilemma and Outlet of Wuwei Oasis, China Agricultural Science and Technology Herald, Volume 6, No.4, 2004.
4 1. Stone, et al.: Microvascular architecture of lung accessory of bactrian camel. Journal. Camel Practice and Research (India), Vol. 1 1,No. 1: 27-34, 2004 (included by SCI).
42. Yu Shiyuan; Calcium dobesilate capsules; Zhong Huliu; Wang Jianlin; Wang Ziren; Histogenesis and Regulation of Lung, Journal of Northwest Normal University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 39 (1): 95- 103, 2003.
43. Yu Shiyuan; Yang Hong; Shang Zhifeng; Wang Jianlin; Wang Ziren; Observation of Crane Coronary Artery Cast, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 38 (5): 66-70, 2002.
44. Communications, Vol.26 (7): 445-453, 2002. Veterinary Research Institute, Wang Jianlin: Arterial supply of bactrian camel eyes.
45. Yu Shiyuan; Calcium dobesilate capsules; Wang Ziren; Wang Jianlin; Scanning electron microscopic observation of glomerular microvascular casts in golden pheasant and mouse, Journal of Zoology, Chinese Journal of Zoology, Vol.37 [6]: 17-20, June 2002.
46. Yu Shiyuan; Yang Shuiyue; Wang Jianlin; Wang Ziren; Liu Zongzhi; Observation on Sichuan golden monkey and human uterine artery cast, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 37 [6]: 77-82,200106.
47. Wang Jianlin et al.: Anatomical division and nomenclature of bactrian camel's stomach, 6th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (Journal of Morphology), 200 1, Jena, Germany.
48. Wang Jianlin et al.: Art Supply of Carpal Joints of Bactrian Camels, Veterinary Research Newsletter, Volume 24 (2): 75-84,2000 (included by SCI).
49. Wang Jianlin, et al.: Art Supply of Bacterial Camel Cubic Joints, Veterinary Research Newsletter, Volume 24 (1):1-9,2000 (included by SCI).
50. Wang Jianlin et al.: Arterial supply of the toe of the forelimb of bactrian camel, Journal of Anatomy, vol. 196 (2):193-202; February 2000 (included by SCI).
5 1. Wang Jianlin et al.: Anatomical division and nomenclature of bactrian camel's stomach, Journal of Morphology, vol. 244: 349; March 2000 (included by SCI).
52. Wang Jianlin, etc. Anatomy of deep vein in forelimb of bactrian camel. Journal of Lanzhou University, 2000, June.
53. Wang Jianlin Arterial distribution of elbow joint of bactrian camel, Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 1999, 1.
54. Wang Jianlin and others. Anatomy of superficial vein of bactrian camel. Journal of Lanzhou University,1999,9.
55. Wang Jianlin et al.: Art supply of phalangeal joints of bactrian camels (bactrian camels), Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 22: 365-37 1, 1998 (included in SCI).
56. Cui Sheng, Zhen: General anatomy of forensic dried lion and its branches in bacterial camel population. Veterinary Research Newsletter, Volume 22: 1-5, 1998 (included by SCI).
57. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of Brachial Artery of Bactrian Camel, Chinese Veterinary Science and Technology, 97, 6.
58. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of Axillary Artery of Bactrian Camel, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 96,2.
59. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of radial nerve of bactrian camel, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 95,2.
60. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of the Median Artery of Bactrian Camel, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 1995, Vol. 1 1: 93-95, single work.
6 1. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of the third palmar artery and the third palmar artery of bactrian camel, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 1995, vol.1:14-/kloc-.
62. He Zhen. (1994): Art supply of shoulder joint of bactrian camel. Journal of Camel Practice and Research (India), Volume 2, No.2, 1994. (included in SCI).
63. Wang Jianlin and Jiangcheng. (1994): Anatomy of ulnar nerve, median nerve and radial nerve of Tianzhu white yak. The 1st International Yak Congress, August, 1994:263-266, Lanzhou, China.
64. Jiangcheng and Wang Jianlin. (1994): Anatomy of reproductive organs of female Tianzhu white yak. The 1st International Yak Congress, August, 1994:243-249, Lanzhou, China.
65. Wang Jianlin et al. Cell cycle and its relationship with tumor prevention and treatment, China Veterinary Science and Technology, 94, 1.
66. Wang Jianlin et al.: Muscle Anatomy of Matou Goat's Hindlimb, Raising Sheep in China, 94, 1.
67. Wang Jianlin et al. Anatomy of head muscles of Matou goat, Raising sheep in China, 93,3.
68. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of Bactrian Camel Trunk Bone, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 93, 1.
69. Wang Jianlin: Anatomy of Bactrian Camel Skull, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 93,4.
70. Wang Jianlin et al.: Anatomy of forelimb muscles of Matou goat, Raising sheep in China, 92, 4.
7 1. Wang Jianlin et al. Anatomy of trunk muscle of Matou goat. China raises sheep, 92, 3.
72. Wang Jianlin, Xie: Anatomy of forelimb skeleton of bactrian camel, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 92, 1.
73. Wang Jianlin, Skeletal Anatomy of Bactrian Camel, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 92,3.
74. Wang Jianlin, Xie: Joint Anatomy of Bactrian Camel, Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine,1989,2.
75. Wang Jianlin, Xie: Anatomy of shoulder and elbow joints of bactrian camels, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 88, 2.
76. Wang Jianlin, Xie: Wrist joint anatomy of bactrian camel, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 88, 4.