Peony (scientific name: PaeoniasuffruticosaAndr. ): it is a perennial deciduous shrub, belonging to dicotyledonous plants, Paeoniaceae and Paeonia. The stem is 2 meters high; The branches are short and thick. The leaves are usually bipinnately compound, with green surface, hairless, light green back and sometimes white powder. The petiole is 5- 1 1 cm long and the leaf axis is hairless. Flowers solitary, bracts 5, oblong; Sepals 5, green, broadly ovate, petals 5 or double, rose, purple, pink to white, usually changing greatly, obovate, with irregular waves at the top; Anthers oblong, 4 mm long; Disk leathery, cup-shaped, purplish red; Carpels 5, densely pilose. _ _ Rectangular with dense yellow-brown bristles. Flowering in May; The fruiting period is June.