Traditional Chinese medicine can treat scapulohumeral periarthritis by needling local Ashi points (points with obvious numbness), Tiaokou, Shouyi, Shouyi and Shouzhen points. According to the condition, Hegu, Houxi, Waiguan, Fengchi, Neiguan, Shu Ge, Zusanli and Qihai can also be added. Combined with electroacupuncture is also a common clinical treatment.
In addition to acupuncture, Ashi point can also use cupping, bloodletting and other methods to dredge meridians, promote blood circulation and relieve pain (by removing blood stasis and relieving pain), and Ashi point can also inject drugs locally.
The treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis can be combined with massage in the later stage, which can improve the curative effect. After the pain is relieved, you should exercise your shoulder function under the guidance of a doctor, keep warm and avoid catching a cold.
If you feel unwell, you should seek medical attention in time and treat under the guidance of a doctor.