1. Monograph description format:
【 Serial number 】 Principal responsible person. Special name [M]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page numbers.
2. Descriptive format of documents separated from serial publications:
【 Serial number 】 Principal responsible person. The name of the document [J]. Name of publication, year of publication, volume number (issue number): starting and ending page numbers.
3. Description format of dissertations and discussion papers:
【 Serial number 】 Principal responsible person. Title of the paper [D]. Place of preservation: the depositor and the year of grant.
4. Report description format:
【 Serial number 】 Principal responsible person. Report title [R]. Storage location: the depositor and the year of completion.
5. Standard description format:
[serial number] standard number, standard name.
6. Patent description format:
[serial number] patent owner. Patent name [P]. Country: patent number, release date.