Professor Zhai (Associate Professor) has published nearly 70 papers in internationally renowned academic journals and major academic conferences, and has been invited to deliver keynote speeches for many times. He is an executive member of the indoor environment simulation technical committee of the American Association of HVAC Engineers, a member of the project supervision committee and the coordinator of the education research institute, a communication member of the fire and smoke control technical committee of the American Association of HVAC Engineers, and an executive member of the american society of mechanical engineers Energy-saving Building and Solar Building Committee. Invited member of immune building expert committee of American Academy of Sciences and US Department of Defense (2006), 1 1 member of international science and technology committee of international indoor ventilation conference (2009),1member of international science and technology committee of international building simulation conference (2009), and chairman of sustainable development conference branch of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2000) Chairman of the kloc-0/ 0 International Building Simulation Conference 10 International Building Simulation Conference (2007), Chairman of the 10 International Indoor Air Quality Conference (2005), Chairman of the First American Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (2004), and Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Open Civil Engineering. Editor-in-chief of International Journal of Architecture and Environment, Special Issue of Architecture and Environment, invited by National Natural Science Foundation of the United States, invited by Georgian National Natural Science Foundation and China Overseas Review, and invited by nearly 20 professional journals.
Professor Zhai won the Meng Minwei Visiting Researcher Award of Hong Kong University in 2009, the Excellent Paper Award of International Journal of Architectural Simulation in 2008, the title of Green Professor of Sustainable Development of University of Colorado in 2008, and the Excellent Project Award of Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation in 2007. Department of Civil Environment and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, 2007 Outstanding Young Researcher Award, American Association of HVAC Engineers, 200 1 research scholarship, Martin Family Sustainable Development Association of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, honorary member in 2000.