How is human intelligence inherited?
Although some psychologists who only talk about IQ have been advocating that IQ is fixed, purely hereditary, lifelong and purely physiological. But so far, no genes related to IQ have been found. On the contrary, some studies show that IQ is influenced by environmental factors, such as the mother's health during the fetal development (and what drugs she took) and the baby's nutritional status. Other studies have found that the number of exams used to test IQ also has an impact. The more IQ tests, the higher the score (we all know that we are used to exams). In addition, some data show that the average IQ of the population is increasing year by year. Are human beings really "smarter" from generation to generation? In addition, in recent years, brain function has been divided into several fields directly related to physiological function, pointing out that IQ test only leads to a limited part of so-called intelligence, and the intellectual function of the brain includes executive function, short-term $ TERM memory, self-regulation and many other fields that have not been clarified. The current research hopes to refine these functions as much as possible, and then correspond to the neural circuit structure of the brain one by one. Even the simplest and most basic brain activities, such as controlling yourself from eating sugar, are crazy, complicated and basically ignorant processes from a neurological point of view, let alone reading maps and doing arithmetic. The question itself is correct. "The tools for studying intelligence seem unreliable." Yes, the scientific understanding of what intelligence is and how to study it is very elementary. The questionnaire tool for measuring IQ has a history of nearly a hundred years, which is out of touch with what modern cranial nerve tools have found, while the new tools (functional magnetic resonance imaging, optogenetics) are still extremely rudimentary and limited. We can't even see what nerve cells in the brain are doing, so how can we study it? Our understanding of the brain can be said to be much lower than our understanding of the universe. We must admit our ignorance before we can develop in the direction of knowing. In brain research, the current level of knowledge is almost equivalent to that of Heliocentrism.