[Journal Paper] PKU CSSCI-200811-Li Zhongmin, Wu Lingyan, Li Zhongmin, Wu Lingyan
2 the impact of RMB appreciation on China's economy-Taking Guangdong's import and export trade as an example
[Dissertation] Wang Xin, 2009- China Renmin University: Western Economics.
3 the impact of RMB appreciation on China's economy
[Journal Paper] Productivity Research PKUCSSCI-20 1 1 4- Zhang Qian, zhangqian
4 Globalization, RMB Appreciation and Its Impact on China's Economy —— Interview with Yi Gang, Vice Governor of China People's Bank
[Journal Paper] Theoretical Frontier PKUCSSCI-2008 No.9-Shi Xiaojin, Shi Xiaojin
5 the impact of RMB appreciation on China's economy and its countermeasures
[Journal Paper] Theoretical Frontiers PKUCSSCI-2008 14- Long Keyu, Long Keyu
6 the impact of RMB appreciation on China's economy
[Dissertation] Zhao Jing, 2008- Hebei Normal University: World Economy
7 Dynamic CGE Analysis of the Impact of RMB Appreciation on China's Economy
[Journal Paper] journal of social science of hunan normal university PKUCSSCI-20 10 No.4-Hu Zongyi, Hu Zongyi,
Influence of RMB Appreciation on China's Economy and Countermeasures
[Journal Paper] China market PKU-26, 2008- Lu
The influence of RMB appreciation on China's economy and the countermeasures that China should take.
[Dissertation] Li Zhen, 2008- China Renmin University: World Economy
Adverse Effects of RMB 10 Appreciation on China's Economy and Countermeasures
[Journal Paper] Shopping Mall Modernization-Liu Xue University -20 10 15