The application of 1. nonlinear programming in CDMA detection. IEEE wireless communication tracking. Volume 3,No. 1, 8- 1 1, 2004. (SCI search)
2. A feasible direction algorithm for SDP relaxation of quadratic {- 1, 1} programming problems. Optimization method and software, vol. 19, No.2.125-136, 2004. (sci, ei retrieval).
3. The relationship between partial order and power of matrix. Linear algebra and its application. Volume 379,No. 1, pages 277-287, 2004. (SCI search)
4. Generalized set-valued variational inclusions in Q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces. Journal of mathematical analysis and application. Volume 296, No.2, 553-562.2004. (SCI search)
5. Curvature and topological properties of hypersurfaces with constant curvature. Bull. Australia. mathmatics SOC。 Volume 70, No.65438 +0.35-44.2004. (SCI search)
6. Construction of normal mixed difference matrix and orthogonal table. Statistics and information. Probability letters. Volume 69, No.4,431-437, 2004.
7. M-scale cyclic factor matrix and quaternion division algebra in complex field, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 14, Vol.1-2,81-96, 2004.
8. Factorization theorem of strong mappings. Discrete mathematics. Vol. 289,No. 1-3, 187- 192, 2004.
9. Further results of orthogonal table obtained by generalized Hadamard product. Statistics and information. Probability Bulletin. Vol.68, No.65438 +0, 17-25, 2004.
10. Set-valued variational inclusions in convex metric spaces. Suzhou Journal of Mathematics. Volume 30, No.65438+00,471-481.2004.
1 1. Some results on fuzzy ideals of BCK(BCI)- algebras. Bulletin of Southeast Asia Mathematics. Volume 28, 2004, pages 457-472.
12. Existence, multiplicity and uniqueness of solutions for second-order m-point boundary value problems. Bartling of the Korean Mathematical Society. Volume 4 1, No.3,483-492. 2004.
13. Complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in locally symmetric manifolds. Mathematical progress. Vol. 33, nos. 5,563-569. 2004.
Complete space-like manifolds with constant scalar curvature in Sitter space. Balkan peninsula. Applied law of geometry. Volume 9, No.2, 82-9 1. 2004.
15. Some results on fuzzy ideals of BCK(BCI)- algebras. Bulletin of Southeast Asia Mathematics. Vol. 28, nos. 4,457-472. 2004.
16. FSI ideals and FSC ideals of BCI algebras. Bull. Korea Math.Soc. Vol.4 1,No. 1, 167- 179. 2004.
17. Multiplicity and uniqueness results of second-order m-point boundary value problems. Bull. Korean mathematics. Soc, Vol.4 1, No.3, 483-492. 2004.
18. Calculation of the reliability limit of the whole network. Journal of Electronic Science, Volume 32, 2004 (1 1) (EI retrieval)
19. Reliability analysis of public signaling network with time delay constraints. Journal of Electronics, Volume 30, No.8, 2002 (EI retrieval)
20. Fuzzy reliability of launch system. Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering, Volume 20 (9), 2000 (EI Search)
Journal of fuzzy reliability engineering mathematics of 2 1.n adjacent k-ring systems, 2000, vol. 17 (EI retrieval)
22. Markov process method for network system reliability analysis. Systems Engineering and Electronics, Volume 26, 2004 (1 1) (EI search).
23. Calculation of the reliability of communication network K terminal. Journal of Electronics and Information, 2003, Volume 25.
24. Reliability model of bridge system structure under incomplete information. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quality and Safety. Reliability (icqr4), Beijing, China, August 2005. (retrieved by sci, ei and istp)
25. Availability estimation of continuous k-out-mG system. System Engineering and Electronics Volume 26, 2004 (8)
26. Reliable multicast routing algorithm based on reliability test in multimedia communication. 2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, Vol. 1 (EI search).
27. Distributed routing and wavelength assignment algorithm for WDM optical networks based on node function. Journal of Communication, 2003, 24(8)
28. The multicast routing and wavelength assignment algorithm of WDM optical network based on equivalent network. China laser, 2004,2004,31(z1)
29. Research on WDM Optical Network Optimization, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 2004,40 (Supplement)
Papers in 2005:
1. Super-efficiency of approximate cone-like vector optimization for set-valued functions, Liu Sanyang Journal of Mathematics, 2005,25 (1), Series B: 152- 160.
2. Extension of fuzzy MCDM tops is based on Vague set theory, Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 2005, 14( 1): 73-84.
3. Solutions to a Class of Non-homogeneous Elliptic Equations with Critical Sobolev Exponent Zhang Guoqing, Liu Sanyang Journal of Differential Equations, 2005,21(1): 85-92.
4. Packing-type Measure of Sample Path of Fractional Brownian Motion, Journal of Applied Mathematics, English Series, 2005,21(2): 335-352.
5. A new solution to interval number linear programming, System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2005,25 (2):10/-106.
6. Wang Jue, Fuzzy Multi-objective Decision Method Based on vague Set, Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering, 2005,25 (2):119-122.
7. Optimal Risk Management of Financial Enterprises Based on Internal Competition, Journal of Systems Engineering, 2005,20 (1): 49-54.
8. Application of Interactive Simulation in Optical Network Performance Analysis, System Engineering and Electronics, 2005,27 (1):170-172.
8. A new backup routing algorithm for multi-fiber wavelength division multiplexing networks, Journal of Communication, 2005,26 (4): 30-33.
10. An improved predictive correction algorithm for general monotone variational inequalities, Computational Mathematics, 2005,27 (2):113-120.
1 1. Connectivity of solution sets of weak vector variational inequalities, Acta Mathematica, 2005,48 (2): 339-342.
12. Solvability of operator equations in semi-ordered metric spaces and semi-ordered Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematics, 2005,48 (1):109-114.
13. Several important inequalities in Frescher space, Journal of Mathematics, 2005,25 (2): 221-224.
14. γ-inverse of matrix, mathematical research and review, 2005,25 (1):139-143.
15. Generalized Inverse of Morphism in Preloading Category, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Series A, 2005,25 (1):103-109.
16. Solutions of a class of quasilinear elliptic equations with indefinite weights, Journal of Jilin University (Natural Science Edition), 2005,43 (1): 20-23.
17. A fast algorithm for multiplication of two scale factor circulant matrices, Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2005,22 (1): 33-37.
18. Improved filled function method for finding global minimum of nonsmooth programming, numerical calculation and computer application, 2005,26 (2):118-125.
19. Some New Results on Two Fake Coins [English] Applied Mathematics, 18(3): 345-35 1
20. A new method for uncertain multi-attribute decision-making, Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005,27 (5): 841-843.
2 1. Cone ultramicro-stability of super-efficient point set for disturbed multi-objective programming Hou Zhenmei, Liu Sanyang, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2005,22 (4): 737-740.
22. Solvability of a Third-order Two-point Boundary Value Problem, 2005, 18, 1034- 1040.
23. Existence of Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Indefinite Weight. Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 2005, 18(3): 2 19-226.
24. Solution method and application of a kind of fuzzy linear programming, Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005,27 (8):1412-1415.
25. Multi-attribute decision-making method based on two-stage optimization and theoretical proof of its solution, Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005,27 (8):1425-1427.
26. Construction of a kind of 9n2-order combinatorial mixed horizontal orthogonal table, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2005,28 (2): 368-378.
27. Optimization conditions of set-valued optimization problems in the sense of efficiency, Journal of Operational Research, 2005,9 (3): 24-30.
28. Existence, multiplicity and uniqueness of positive solutions for third-order two-point boundary value problems. Different. Eqs。 , 2005, 2 1(3): 27 1-274
29. Fast algorithm and parallel algorithm of symmetric r- circulant matrix, Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, 2005,21(2):159-163.
30. Saddle Point and Lagrange Duality of Vector Mapping, System Science and Mathematics, 2005,25 (4): 398-405.
Normal MP- ideals of 3 1 R0- Algebra, Journal of xidian university, 2005,32 (1): 39-41(included in EI).
32. Fuzzy MP Filter of R0-Algebra, Progress in System Science and Application, 2005,5 (1): 85-92.
33. Submanifolds with Mobius Flat Normal Bundles in Sn, Acta Mathematica, 2005,48 (6):1221-1232.
34. A New Algorithm of QoS Routing Pre-calculation Based on K- optimal Path, Journal of Electronic Science, 2005,33 (10):1751-1756.
35. Comments on External Elements in Independent Space, Bulletin of Southeast Asian Mathematics, 2005, 29: 939-944.
36. Spectral classification of galaxies based on wavelet features, Acta Electronica Sinica, 2005,33 (11): 2059-2062.
37. A QoS Routing Algorithm Based on K Shortest Path, Journal of Jilin University (Engineering Edition), 2005,35 (5): 526-530.
38. Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithm Based on Link State Level in WDM Optical Transport Networks, Microcomputer System, 2005,26 (10):1707-1710.
39. Reliable Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Reliability Testing in Multimedia Communication 2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, Vol. 1: 596-600, ISTP/EI:
40. A routing and wavelength assignment algorithm based on link state level ICCNMC'05, Lectrue notes of computer science, Volume 36 19, 2005:173-177 SCI: 000231/.
4 1. Upper semiconvergence of stochastic programming approaching optimal solution set, Journal of xidian university, 2005,32 (6): 953-957.
42. Relaxation of Enhanced Semidefinite Programming for Vertex Covering Problems, Journal of xidian university, 2005,32 (6): 958-960.
43. Reliability analysis of polymorphic repairable system adjacent to n- 1, Journal of xidian university, 2005,32 (6): 963-967.
44. Minimum deviation method for ranking interval number complementary judgment matrix, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2005,34 (Supplement): 24 1-243.
45. Construction of Group Decision Matrix in AHP, Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005,27 (11):1907-1908.
46. 0.488 algorithm for the maximum bisection problem of nonnegative weight graphs, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2005,22 (6):1137-1140.
47. Limit Theorem of Function Sequence on Weak Convergence Probability Measure Integral, Journal of Lanzhou University, 2005,41(6)
48. Improved filled function method for solving global minima of nonsmooth programming, Numerical Mathematics and Application, 2005,27 (3): 69-78.
49. Packing-type measure of sample path of fractional Brownian motion, Journal of Mathematical Applications, English version, 2005,21(2): 335-352.
50. Improved Algorithm Based on Minimum Tree Weight Matrix Method, Computer Engineering and Design, 2005,26 (12): 3274-3275.
5 1. preference information aggregation method based on OWGA operator and its application, operation and management in group decision-making, 2005, 14(6): 29-32.
52. Expectation-based multi-attribute decision-making method with preference for alternatives, Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 35(6):707-7 10.
Papers in 2006:
1. preference information aggregation method based on OWGA operator and its application, operation and management in group decision-making, 2005, 14(6): 29-32.
2. The consistent dimension of image set and graph of generalized α-stable process, Journal of Mathematics (Chinese version), 2006,49 (1):177-186.
3. Reliability analysis of multi-state repairable systems with adjacent k and N: F, Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2006,28 (2): 310-312.
4. Proof and Application of a Class of Nonsingular Matrix in Interior Point Algorithm, Yong Longquan, Liu Sanyang, Practice and Understanding of Mathematics, 2006,36 (2): 258-261.
5. Rough set method based on linguistic information processing in group decision-making, Journal of Systems Engineering, 2006,21(1):18-23.
7. Upper Bound of Total Terminal Reliability under Node Failure, Practice and Understanding of Mathematics, 2006,36 (1):165-169.
8. Research on Parametric OWA Operator of Fuzzy MCDM Based on vague Set Theory, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision-making, 2006(5): 5-20.
9. An automatic spectral line extraction method for normal galaxy spectrum and spectral analysis, 2006,26 (3): 583-586.
10. monotone approximation of higher-order differentiable functions, journal of computational mathematics of colleges and universities, vol. 27 (special issue) in 2005: 143- 147.
1 1.(h, φ)-Lipschitz function and its generalized directional derivative and generalized gradient, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2006,26 (2): 212-222.
12. Stochastic simulation method for multi-attribute decision-making under incomplete information, Journal of xidian university, 2006,33 (2): 287-291.
13. A new ranking method of interval number complementary judgment matrix, Journal of xidian university, 2006,33 (2): 292-294.
14. Nonlinear programming method for time optimal opening control, Journal of xidian university, 2006,33 (2): 299-303.
15. Divergence and model of a reaction-diffusion system, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2006,29 (3): 467-479.
Complete submanifolds with constant scalar curvature in hyperbolic spaces, advances in mathematics, 2006,35 (2):155-166.
17. An answer to the open question of jun-shim-lele on fuzzy filters Liu Yonglin, Liu Sanyang, Yang Xu Journal of Applied Mathematical Computing, 2006,21(1-2): 325-329.
18 fixed point theorems for multivalued contractive mappings and multivalued Caristi type mappings, journal of mathematics. Anal. Application 3 17(2006): 103- 1 12.
19. ranking method of interval number reciprocal judgment matrix based on objective programming and relative advantage, practice and understanding of mathematics, 2006,36 (6): 63-67.
20. An inexact infeasible interior point algorithm for quadratic cone programming, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2006,23 (4): 625-631.
2 1. Relative Generalized Newton Method for Inverse Singular Value Problems [English], Applied Mathematics, 2006, 19(3): 595-599.
22. Multiple Solutions of a Class of Semilinear Elliptic Equations on Rn [English], Applied Mathematics, 2006, 19(3): 62 1-625.
23. Yoke Gradient Algorithm for Optimal Control of Distributed Parameters Based on Boundary Element, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 2006,42 (4):140-144.
24. Choose two different kinds of defective coins and apply mathematics and calculation 180(2006): 559-568.
25. Some Properties of a Class of Bilevel Multiobjective Programming, Journal of Operational Research, 2006,10 (3):126-128.
26. Some classes of fuzzy subsemigroups on inverse semigroups, Journal of Jilin University, 2006,44 (5): 719-722.
27. Research on Extended Model of Rough Set Theory, Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science Edition), 2006,34 (9):1251-1255.
28. Set-valued optimization and strict efficiency of scalar set-valued Lagrangian mapping, Journal of Jilin University, 2006,44 (6): 888-892.
29. On a class of semi-positive discrete boundary value problems. Anal. No.325 (2007): 175- 182.
30. Multiplicity results of a class of second-order superlinear difference systems. Korean Mathematical Society No.43 (2006), No.4, 693-70 1
3 1. Multiplicity results of discrete eigenvalue problems with discontinuous nonlinearity. Anal. No.328 (2007): 1068- 1074
32. Kuhn-Tucker condition and Wolfe duality for quasi-invex set-valued optimization, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 27 (12):1447-1456.
33. Routing and wavelength assignment algorithm based on equivalent network. Computational Science 3:1(2006): 95-110
34. Multi-constraint path selection algorithm based on experimental analysis, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 17(4): 93 1-937.
35. Graphical model construction based on evolutionary algorithm, control theory and application, 4, 2006.
36. Bayesian network construction based on intelligent optimization, presented in the 6th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Application (ISDA2006), edited by Chen Yuehui and Abraham, IEEE Computer Society. Volume I, 37 1-376, 2006.
37. Improvement of the optimal detection algorithm for three defective coins, IEEE 6th World Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 2, 20061-26, Dalian, China.
38. Optimal detection of some defective coins, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2006,29 (2)
39. Grouping Examination and Approaching Control Standard, Journal of Computational Mathematics in Colleges and Universities, 2006,28 (3)
40. Normal Filter of Pseudo-MTL Algebra (WPBL Algebra), Journal of xidian university, 2006,33 (5): 829-832.
Papers in 2007
1. A trust region genetic algorithm, Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol.29, No.8, August 2007, 1567~ 157 1.
2. A New Interval-Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Electronics, Vol.35, No.8, 2007, 1377 ~ 1380.
3. Super-efficiency of convex cone-like set-valued optimization problems in generating cones, Operational Research, vol. 1 1, No.3, September 2007, 1~ 10.
4. A higher-order autocatalytic coupling reflects the bifurcation and mode of diffusion system, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 28, No.9, September 2007,1102 ~1114.
5. Bifurcation and mode application in a coupled high-order automatic catalytic reaction differential system 2007.28 (9):1235-1248.
6. Inexact infeasible Interior Point Method for Quadratic Cone Programming, Journal of Jilin University, No.5, September 2007, 743 ~ 747.
7. Log-normal quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of conditional autoregressive range model, Journal of xidian university, Vol.34, No.5, 2007, 773 ~ 778.
8. A primal-dual infeasible interior point algorithm for quadratic cone programming. Journal of xidian university, Vol.34, No.2, 2007,307 ~ 31.
9. Optimization Algorithms on Differential Manifolds, Journal of xidian university, Vol.34, No.3, 2007,472 ~ 475.
10. An Improved Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Algorithm Intelligent System, Vol.2, No.3, 2007, 30 ~ 33.
1 1. Uncertain aggregation operator and its application in multi-attribute decision-making, Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol.29, No.0/0, September 2007, 1662~ 1664.
12. infeasible interior point algorithm for quadratic cone programming, Journal of Lanzhou University, Vol.43, No.4, 2007, 136 ~ 139.
13. optimal equilibrium solution algorithm, control theory and application of non-inferior Nash strategy in multi-group game system, vol. 24, No.5, 2007.10,785 ~ 789.
14.(h, ¬)-Generalized tangent derivatives and optimality conditions, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.30, No.4, July 2007 ~ 603.
15. Asymptotic Properties of Conditional Autoregressive Range Model, Applied Mathematics, Vol.20, No.3, 2007, 587 ~ 592.
16. volatility estimation based on sample quantile: conditional autoregressive quasi-range model, Nankai economic research, No.5, 2007, 133 ~ 143.
Papers in 2008
1. Hermite positive definite solution of matrix equation X+AXA=P and its perturbation analysis, Computational Mathematics, 2008, Vol.30, No.65438 +0.
2. Self-weighted L 1 estimation of infinite variance nonlinear autoregressive series, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2008, Series A, Vol.23, No.2, 193- 199.
3. Generalized Vector Convexity in Real Linear Space, Journal of Sichuan University, Vol.45, No.2, 229-232, 2008.
4. Henig efficient subdifferential of set-valued mappings and its stability, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2008,28a (3): 438-446.
5. Hermite positive definite solution of a class of nonlinear matrix equations, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol.25, No.4, 2008, 597 ~ 604.
6. Denoising and Sample Reduction Method Based on Distance Kernel Function, Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering, Vol.28, No.7, 2008 160 ~ 164.
7. Asymptotic Properties of Product Error Model, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.365438 +0 No.2, 2008, 359 ~ 366.
8. Interval genetic algorithm for efficiently solving multimodal global optimization problems, Journal of Jilin University, Vol.38, No.4, 2008, 876~879.
9. Some new results about four identical counterfeit money, Applied Mathematics, 2008, Volume 265438+No.3, 498 ~ 503.
10. infeasible interior point prediction and correction algorithm for the second cone programming, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2008, 28B(3):55 1-559.
1 1. Necessary optimality conditions for nondifferentiable multiobjective programming on Riemannian flow patterns, Journal of Jilin University, 2008, Vol.46, No.3, 209 ~ 2 13.
12. Direct Support Vector Machine, Control and Decision, Vol.23, No.8, 2008, 935~937