Confucius set out from Lu. Full of knowledge and insight, he began to travel around the world. He tried to dedicate all his knowledge to a wise gentleman and made great efforts to realize his ideal. However, no monarch is willing to use his "benevolence" to govern the country. He returned to Shandong and started a journey of teaching and spreading knowledge from another road. This time, he finally succeeded, recruiting 3000 disciples, cultivating 72 sages, cultivating the first garden in the land of education, and watering it hard to make it appreciated by peaches and plums. The original purpose has faded, and now the result is gorgeous. Confucius smiled. His struggle was a beautiful curve.
Su Qing Bu set off for Japan to study abroad, forgetting to eat and sleep, and working tirelessly. Finally, his academic paper was published, which was highly praised, but he flew back to the motherland non-stop and began another journey of struggle. Finally, he became a master of mathematics. His journey of struggle is two closed circular elliptic curves.
Gorky set out and began the journey of "childhood-university-on earth". He was full of sadness and drift from place to place, wrote brilliant masterpieces and became the founder of literature. His struggle was tortuous.
On the other side of the Atlantic, David of England set out. He accidentally discovered the anesthetic properties of chlorine gas, which can alleviate the pain of patients. He also devoted himself to the research of chlorine, which was quite successful, but then he was busy with entertainment and extravagant enjoyment. Since then, he has alienated from science and never achieved anything, so that his feet always stay in the middle of a long journey, a journey he struggled for.
To make your life journey perfect, you must be good at constantly setting a new starting point for yourself, "Start-arrive-start again-"
In this way, the lines symbolizing the journey of life will continue to extend and string out many colorful pictures. If we stop because of small achievements, such a picture of life will be incomplete and fragmented.
In every journey, we must work hard and draw brilliant patterns with sweat. Without a little, it is difficult to become the sea. Let them struggle from time to time on the journey of life, until forever, and continue the journey of life farther and more exciting.
The reasons of duty crime are low political quality and spiritual and cultural emptiness.
Most cadres who commit crimes by taking advantage of