Since then, famous scientists such as isaac newton, roger bacon, robert boyle and Jaber Ibn Haiyan have been trying to make gold for nearly two thousand years. All these failed, but their work did bring many other advances to the world. As Lawrence Principe, a historian of science, pointed out in 20 14, they are "surprisingly excellent experimenters".
This brings us to a more modern era and is one of the most outstanding scientists in the 20th century. You may never have heard of it-Glenn T. Seeburg.
Far from being an unknown chemist with crazy eyes, seaborg decided to try to turn lead into gold in 1980. For example, 194 1 year, his team first discovered/produced/separated plutonium. This led the United States to implement a plan to use plutonium in their atomic bomb project, which later evolved into a top-secret Manhattan project, in which Cyberport also participated. Although he, together with many other scientists involved in the project, strongly lobbied for the public display of nuclear explosions to Japan, instead of actually using nuclear bombs against them. )
In his life, he helped to discover ten elements (by making them in the laboratory), and finally he won the Nobel Prize in chemistry of 195 1 year. He also found or helped to separate 100 isotopes, especially iodine-13 1. If you know that someone has some thyroid diseases (including some types of thyroid cancer), they are probably still alive or have extended their life. Thanks to this,
Along the way, he became the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, providing advice and work for American presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. During his tenure, he successfully lobbied for the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which prohibits testing nuclear devices in the atmosphere or ocean. He also strongly advocated increasing the funds for school science education, improving the science curriculum and increasing the funds for pure scientific research. He is also the only chemist in history who had an element named after him when he was alive-seaborgium.
This enables us to produce gold.
In 1980, Seaborg and other scientists used particle accelerators to propel nuclear beams of carbon and neon into heavy metal foil at a speed close to the speed of light-you know, this is a relatively large amount of substance you found in Peptol Bi *** ol, which is used in shotguns and various other applications.
Why bismuth, not lead as planned? It is much easier to separate gold from bismuth than from lead. However, it is no longer difficult to extract gold from lead.
As for the result, when they groped in the massacre caused by the high-speed collision of neon, carbon and bismuth, physicists found that they had successfully produced several isotopes of gold.
Of course, these are not uneconomical. According to Seeburg, "through this experiment, the production cost of gold per ounce will exceed 65,438+0 trillion US dollars." 1980 the current price of gold is about $590 per ounce. ...
Despite the high cost, after at least thousands of years of efforts by some of the most outstanding people in history, gold was finally produced, and human beings finally created gold with other things.
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