Secondly, different duplicate checking systems may have different color recognition schemes, but the four colors mentioned above, red, yellow, blue, green and gray, are generally used to represent some special situations. Gray generally indicates the part of the text that cannot be compared or needs further examination, which may be short or format problems.
In addition to color identification, the duplicate check report will also provide specific literature sources and give corresponding proportions according to similarity, so as to help graduate students and tutors better understand the originality and citation compliance of the paper. Through the report provided by the duplicate checking system, graduate students can find the possible problems in the paper in time, modify and improve it, and ensure the academic integrity of the paper.
In a word, the meaning of each color in the paper inspection report is very important for graduate students and tutors. By carefully analyzing the color labels in the duplicate check report, graduate students can understand the originality and citation of their papers, and make timely revisions and improvements to ensure the quality and academic reliability of the papers.