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4. Sun, Haron Lee, Lin Shengyang, Ye Bixiong. Dynamic changes of wheat rhizosphere characteristics and antioxidant enzyme reaction in mercury contaminated soil. Chemical circle, 20 13, 93:972-977.
5. Ye Bixiong,,,, Haron Lee. Water sources in rural areas of Beijing and their protection against microbial pollution. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 13, 10:879-89 1.
6. Li Yonghua. Environmental Pollution and Risk Assessment of Mercury in a Historical Mercury Mine in Southwest China. Environmental geochemistry and health, 20 13, 35:27-36.
7. Yang, Haron Lee. Blood mercury concentration of residents in historical mercury mines and its possible influence on renal function: a cross-sectional study in southwest China. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 20 13, 185:3049-3055.
8. Li Yonghua, Hai Rongli, Yang, Ye Bixiong, mark ronson Berg. Biomarkers of lead exposure in people under environmental pressure. Study on Biological Trace Elements, 20 13, 153:50-57.
9. Li Yonghua *, Yu Jiang, Haron Lee, and Lin Shengyang. Effects of trace elements in soil on longevity population in China. Study on Biological Trace Elements, 20 13,153:119-126.
10., Haron Lee, Yu Jiangping, Lin Shengyang, Feng Fujian,. Speciation, distribution and bioavailability of soil selenium in Kaschin-Beck disease area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau —— A case study in Songpan County, Sichuan Province. Study on biological tracer elements, 20 13, 156:367-375.
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13. Yang, Zhang Xiuwu, *, Haron Lee,. Bioavailability and risk assessment of cadmium in raw rice by in vitro digestion model. Study on Biological Trace Elements, 20 12, 145: 8 1-86.
14. Zhang Xiuwu,,, Wang Hairong,, Ye Bixiong. Influence of lead-zinc mine mining and smelting in China on environment and human health. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 20 12, 184:226 1-2273.
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18. Jinmei Road, Wang Wuyi, Li Yonghua. Influence of environmental factors on longevity population in China. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 20 1 1, 53:200-205.
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20. Yang,,,, Haron Lee. Environmental selenium in Kaschin-Beck disease area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Environmental geochemistry and health, 20 1 1, 33:495-50 1.
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22. Sun, *, Ji Yanfang,,, Haron Lee. Environmental pollution and health hazards of lead/cadmium around Chashan mercury mine in western Hunan. Journal of China Nonferrous Metals Society, 20 10/0,20 (2): 308-314.
23. Jia Lin, Wang Wuyi and Li Yonghua. Heavy metals in soil and crops in intensive agricultural areas: a case study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 10/0,7,395-412.
24. Zhang Xiuwu, *, Yang,. Determination of five trace elements (lead, cadmium, selenium, arsenic and mercury) in human whole blood by temperature-controlled wet digestion-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 20 10/0,30 (7):1972-1974.
25. Yang, Ye Hairong, Li Bixiong. Environmental challenges and health and safety in China. Geographical environment sustainability, 20 10, 3:42-65.
26. Yang, Ji Yanfang, Sun,. Quantification and Classification of Mercury in the Soil of Tea Field Mercury Mine in Southwest China. Environmental geochemistry and health, 2009,31:617-628.
27. Haron Lee,,, Yang,. Fluorine in drinking water, brick tea and human urine in two counties of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 167( 1-3):892-895.
28. Luo, Luo, Haron Lee. Environmental behavior of selenium in soil in typical selenium poisoning areas of China. Journal of Environmental Science, 2008, 20: 859-864.
29. Yang,,,, Haron Lee. The pollution characteristics of mercury, lead and arsenic in soil in the symbiotic area of nonferrous metal mines were analyzed by BCR and HG-ICP-AES techniques. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2007,27 (9):1834-1836.
30. Yang,,, Haron Lee. Determination of Trace Mercury and Arsenic in Human Hair of Polymetallic Mining Area by Hydride Generation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2007,27 (4): 789-791.
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32. Yang, Haron Lee and Tan Jian 'an. Environmental epidemic characteristics of coal-burning endemic fluorosis in China and safety threshold of coal-burning fluorine. Fluoride, 2003,36 (3):106-112.
33. Sun, Yang, Haron Lee. Mercury migration and health risk in soil-rice system in MC Davi mining area, Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. Geographical research, 2012,31(1): 63-70.
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35. Wang Li, Li Yonghua *, Ji Yanfang, Haron Lee, Zhang Xiuwu. Study on remediation of lead and cadmium contaminated soil in lead-zinc mine area by hydroxyapatite and potassium chloride. Environmental science, 20 1 1, 32 (7): 2114-2165438.
36. Zou Xiaoyan, *, Yang, Lu Jinmei, Haron Lee, Yu Jiangping,. Relationship between longevity and soil environment in Xiayi, Henan Province. Environmental science, 20 1 1, 32 (5): 14 15-65438.
37. Yang,,,, Haron Lee. Distribution characteristics of soil elements in Kaschin-Beck disease area and their relationship with the disease. Acta Sinica, 20 1 1, 48(2):230-237.
38. Sun, *, Ji Yanfang, Yang,. Spatial distribution characteristics of soil heavy metals in Xiangxi mercury mining area and its ecological and environmental significance. Environmental Science, 2009,30 (4):1159-1165.
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42. Yang, Haron Lee, Tang Dengyin. Chemical forms and pollution characteristics of soil mercury in Hunan and Guizhou mercury mining areas. Environmental Science, 2007,28 (3): 654-658.
43. Ji Yanfang, Yang, Li Shunjiang. Study on heavy metal pollution in lead-zinc mine water caused by mining and mineral processing activities. Journal of Agricultural Environmental Science, 2007,26 (1):103-107.
44. Yang, Haron Lee. Environmental quality of mercury and lead contaminated soil in polymetallic mining areas in western Hunan. Environmental Science, 2005,26 (5):197-191.
45. Yang, Luo, Haron Lee. Contents of water-soluble selenium and fluorine in soil of southern Shaanxi and their characterization in ecological environment. Environmental Chemistry, 2005,24 (3): 279-283.
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