original text
Confucius said, "Being rich and expensive is what people want. There is no way to get it, so there is no place." Poverty and meanness are human evils. If you don't follow the path, you won't go. Is it evil to be famous when a gentleman goes to benevolence? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence. If he makes a mistake, he will do it, and if he is unhappy, he will do it. "
A gentleman loves money and takes it properly. Source: Levin's Biography of Hu Xueyan, Step by Step, Volume 1: "A gentleman loves money and takes it properly. It is natural for you to do your part in Old Master Q Q. "
Today, we say, "A gentleman loves money and takes it wisely." What "Tao"? Legal way.
In the final analysis, it is the way of benevolence-a kind of benevolence.
Benevolence is the foundation and principle of being a man. Therefore, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are anxious or displaced, you must never violate this foundation and principle. In Mencius' words, it is still the famous saying: "Wealth cannot be lewd, and poverty cannot be moved."
Of course, the premise here is to have principles of life. For those who "follow their feelings" or even "die of addiction", all this is meaningless. In the face of fierce competition, the law of the jungle, intrigue, as long as you can achieve your goal by hook or by crook, what are the principles of benevolence and righteousness to follow? If there is, it is also the truth that "there is a way to steal"-the purpose is everything.
This is a question of choosing a world outlook and outlook on life.