ISTP, the original index of scientific and technological conference proceedings (providing abstracts and reference information of international conference papers published in the form of monographs, series, preprints, periodicals and reports since 1990, covering all fields of natural science and engineering technology), has been renamed as conference proceedings index -in in the newly upgraded WebofScience since 2008120. At the same time, the original index ISSHP (providing abstracts and reference information of international conferences in social sciences, arts and humanities) was renamed as the conference proceedings index-Social Sciences &; Humanities (CPCI- Song Seung Heon).
In other words, ISTP has been renamed CPCI now, but due to the traditional name, most major scientific research institutions still call it ISTP. After ISTP became more CPCI, there was an obvious change. It is CPCI that divides arts and sciences into classes, liberal arts articles automatically enter CPCI-SSH database, and science and engineering articles automatically enter CPCI-S.