Two New One-dimensional Chain Compounds Constructed by Sandwich Polytungstate Clusters
Two New Two-dimensional Chain Structures Synthesized from Multilayer Polymetallic Tungstate Clusters
As a metal-oxygen cluster ion, polyoxometalates (POMs) have attracted extensive interest due to their great structural diversity and potential applications in catalysis, electrochemistry, electrochromic and magnetism [1 2]. Polyoxometalates, that is, metal oxygen clusters, have been widely concerned by researchers because of their great structural diversity and potential applications in catalysis, electrochemistry, electrochromic and magnetization [1, 2]. The development of POM chemistry depends on the synthesis of new polyoxoanions with unique structure and physical and chemical diversity. In order to produce new polyoxoanions, much attention has been paid to the self-assembly of preferred structural units. The progress of polyoxometalate chemistry depends on the unique structure of the new polyanion cluster process and the universality of physical chemistry. In the preparation of new polyanion clusters, a lot of attention is focused on the self-synthesis of prefabricated synthesis units. In this subfamily, vacancy polyoxometalates are good inorganic precursors, which can be used to construct new compounds with various nuclear and structural characteristics, and have interesting catalytic, electrochemical and magnetic properties, which have attracted extensive attention [3]. Under this sub-project, porous polyoxometalates represent an excellent non-organic precursor material, and the new composites synthesized from them have polynuclear properties. ) and interesting properties, including catalysis, electrochemistry and magnetization, have attracted great attention all over the world [3]. Up to now, many sandwich polyacid anions have been synthesized by the reaction of vacancy polyacid anions with transition metal cations, and most of them belong to the well-known sandwich structures of weakley-, herve'-, krebs- and knoth- [4,5]. Up to now, a large number of multi-layer polyanionic clusters have been synthesized by the reaction of porous anionic clusters with transition metals, most of which belong to the well-known multi-layer structure of weekley, Hervey, krebs and Knus [4 4,5]. They each contain a paramagnetic transition metal group between two oxygen-deficient anions, which makes them show interesting catalytic, magnetic and electrochemical properties. Each structure has a paramagnetic transition metal bond between two kinds of porous polyanion clusters, which makes them show interesting catalytic, magnetization and electrochemical characteristics. As we all know, when building extended structure materials, sandwich-type polyoxoanions have larger volume and more negative charges than commonly used polyoxovanadate/-molybdate, which allows them to form higher coordination numbers with transition metals. It is precisely because multi-layer polyanion clusters can form higher coordination numbers that react with transition metals that they can provide more electronegativity and stronger charge than commonly used polyvanadate or molybdate when synthesizing extended structural materials. Sandwich clusters should be excellent precursors, but they can be used to build extended structural materials [6]. This kind of multilayer cluster ion cluster will be an excellent precursor material, but its application in the synthesis of extended structure materials is extremely rare at present [6]. In this paper, we report two new one-dimensional chain compounds, which are constructed by M4 sandwich polyoxyanions. In this paper, we will propose two new two-dimensional chain structures synthesized by M4 multi-layer polyanion clusters.
Materials and methods Materials and methods
All chemicals are commercially purchased and can be used without further purification. All the chemicals were purchased from the market without further purification. K8 [b-Gew11o39]14h2o and k8 [c-siw10o36]12h2o were synthesized according to reference [7] and characterized by infrared spectroscopy. K8 [b-Gew11o39]14h2o and k8 [c-siw10o36]12h2o were synthesized according to reference [7], and verified by infrared spectroscopy. Elemental analysis (h) was performed on Perkin-Elmer 2400 CHN elemental analyzer; Elemental analysis (h) was carried out in Perkin-Elmer 2400 CHN elemental analyzer; Silicon, germanium, tungsten, manganese, copper, sodium and potassium were analyzed by PLASMA-SPEC(I) ICP atomic emission spectrometer. Silicon, germanium, tungsten, manganese, copper, sodium and potassium were analyzed in a plasma emission spectrometer. In the range of 400–4000 cm-1,the IR spectrum was recorded on the Alpha Centaurt FT/Ir spectrophotometer with KBr particles. The recording range of infrared spectrum is 400–4000 cm-1,and the KBr target pill alpha centaurt ft/IR spectrophotometer is used. Thermogravimetric analyzer was performed on Perkin-Elmer TGA7 instrument in flowing N2, and the heating rate was 10 cm min- 1. The triglyceride analysis equipment is Perkin-Elmer TGA 7, nitrogen is injected, and the heating rate is 10 cm min- 1. The electrochemical measurement was carried out at room temperature (25–30 C) and nitrogen atmosphere on CHI 660A electrochemical workstation. Electrochemical measurement was carried out at room temperature (25–30 C) using chi 660a electrochemical workbench. PH-25B pH meter is used for ph measurement. The PH value was measured by PHS-25b acid-base meter (hydrogen ion concentration meter).