Zhi Li's main scientific research papers
1. Translators are Different —— Re-interpretation of Lu Xun's aesthetic view of foreignization translation (China Translation 2006(4) 2. Emotion and environment, spirit and form —— An aesthetic analysis of the English version of Moonlight on the Lotus Pond. Schema Knowledge and Translation Operation Analysis Shandong Foreign Language Teaching 2004(4) 4. On the Aesthetic Transmission Effect of Literary Language Variants 《 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching 》 2004(2) 5. On Image Thinking in Literary Translation Shandong Foreign Language Teaching 2000(3) 6. On the Reader's Reflection in China's Traditional Translation Theory Journal of Southwest Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) 2005 (3) 7. On the English translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life from the perspective of equivalence theory.