After Fan Zhongyan became prime minister, he still slept on a wooden bed, spread old quilts, used coarse porcelain and ate home-cooked meals. Even if he is ill. Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin went to see him as soon as he was ill. Seeing that he was too poor, I gave him a set of exquisite bedding and utensils, but he was useless. Zhao Kuangyin asked him why he had such a hard time. Fan Zhongyan said that as a prime minister, I have a lot of salary and can't afford it. But if I am extravagant, I will follow suit, and the atmosphere of the court will deteriorate. Song Taizu was surprised after hearing this and praised him as a "real prime minister."
Han Yu and Meng Jiao who compare themselves to Du Li.
Both Han Yu and Meng Jiao were born in poverty, and both suffered when they were young. This similar family background and experience, as well as their congenial personalities and similar poetic styles, contributed to their profound friendship. In the seventh year of Zhenyuan, I met you late. Meng Jiao "Korea retreats to work hard"; When Han Yu saw Meng Jiao, he was "forgetful". Since then, Han Meng has been born with him, singing endlessly, and is known as the poetry circle in the middle Tang Dynasty for his peculiar poetic style. Therefore, they compare themselves with Du Li.
Cao Cao chose people who can forgive and forget.
Although Cao Cao is suspicious, he has an open-minded and generous politician's mind. For example, in the Battle of Wancheng, Zhang Xiu led an army to kill his eldest son Cao Ang, nephew Cao An, general Dian Wei, and Cao Cao's own right arm was also injured by a flowing arrow in the war. Later, Zhang Xiu took Jia Xu's advice and took refuge in Cao Cao. Cao Cao warmly welcomed Zhang Xiu's arrival. Not only did he not avenge his son's death, but he also formed a children's in-laws with Zhang Xiu and worshipped him as General Yang Wu. Zhang Xiu is very grateful to him. He made great contributions to Cao Cao's unification of the north in later battles.
Chen Lin is one of the "seven sons of Jian 'an". He assisted Yuan Shao in his crusade against Cao Cao, and once caused a sensation with an article denouncing Cao Cao, which made Cao Cao and his ancestors curse three generations. Later, Yuan Shao was defeated in Guandu, and Chen Lin was captured. Cao Cao loves talents, regardless of the past, and entrusts him with a heavy responsibility. Thus, Chen Lin extended a helping hand to Cao Cao's great cause of "Three Kingdoms Unification".
For thousands of years, prudence has played an important role in people's self-cultivation. During the period of Miko Wu in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the magistrate of Changyi paid a late-night visit to Yang Zhen, the secretariat of Jingzhou, with a large sum of money, and said that he was ignorant at dusk. And Yang Zhen said, Heaven knows, Earth knows, I know, you know. In the face of temptation, Yang Zhen consciously restrained his desire and did not accept bribes because he was unsupervised and unknown to others. This is the power of prudence and independence.
Are you sinking and depressed when you are hit by failures again and again? Do you face the present predicament with the right attitude? If your answer is correct, then you have been cautious. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, tried his best, and Sima Qian endured humiliation to complete the historical records. They all rose up in difficulties and succeeded in failure. Not a model?
Be cautious and independent, mainly diligent and dedicated. Because concentration can eliminate all distractions, focus on a certain direction and not be tempted by external factors. Because diligence can give full play to a person's potential, do as many things as possible, or be strict with yourself, restrain yourself and spur yourself.
"Move to three provinces." You should weigh the pros and cons of what you say and do, plan carefully, and never act rashly or rashly, or you will be doomed to failure.
Caution is never equal to timidity and timidity. It is based on careful investigation and careful thinking.
Fan Li works hard and returns cautiously.
At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Fan Li was a doctor of the State of Yue, assisted Gou Jian, the king of Yue, was loyal and diligent, worked for the king of Yue for 20 years, and helped Gou Jian make a fortune. After ten years of unity and lessons, Vietnam has become more and more prosperous. In 482 BC, while Fu Cha, the king of Wu, was waiting for a meeting in Huangchi, he suggested that Gou Jian send troops to attack the State of Wu, which won a great victory. In turn, he helped Gou Jian explore the north, directly assisted Qilu and dominated the Central Plains.
At this time, Fan Li felt that the danger was just around the corner. Thanks to Gao Zhen, the monarch can only be * * *, not rich. There are many examples in history. So he packed his soft clothes, took his family and left quietly. He changed his name to Tao Zhugong and went into business in seclusion. At the same time, he assisted Betty Wong's literary genre, did not listen to advice, attached to wealth, and was killed by Gou Jian.
The queen's eldest grandson is respectful and cautious.
Empress Grandson and her younger brother Sun Chang Wuji helped Tang Taishou Li Shimin accomplish the great cause and made great achievements. Emperor Taizong wanted to make Sun Chang prime minister. Grandson heard the news and stepped forward to stop it. She said to Emperor Taizong, "I thank you for your kindness. I have been honored as the queen, and the eldest grandson's family can't reward me any more. The lessons of the Han Dynasty are too profound. At that time, the emperor loved him, and Manchu was a member of the Lushi family. As a result, he plotted to rebel, be destroyed, and bring disaster to the country and people. Sun Chang Wuji can't be a relative, please ask the emperor to find someone else. " Li Shimin refused to accept the queen's request and still appointed Sun Chang as the Infinite Phase.
The eldest grandson's request to the emperor was rejected, so she went to her brother Sun Chang Wuji, explained her interests to him, and told him to stay away from nepotism and never covet the immediate wealth and cause great disaster. Mowgli was finally persuaded by the queen to resign as the prime minister of the emperor.
In all kinds of research, we must treat it seriously and rigorously, and we must not make any mistakes. Madame Curie is such a rigorous and meticulous person. She is meticulous and works hard in any experiment. For our post-90 s "Ma Daha", we should learn from Madame Curie, take every class seriously and listen attentively; Complete every assignment meticulously and check carefully; Take every exam seriously. I believe that success is not far away from us.