The reason why it is put in the first step is that Sky magazine always advises the author to check the duplicate before submitting the paper, so that the repetition rate of his paper can be found in advance, which will not cause a bad impression on the magazine editor, reduce the number of re-inspections after submitting the paper, and thus increase the publication time of the paper.
Step 2: Screen the periodicals.
According to their own professional direction and the content field of the paper, choose from the corresponding classified journals. The editor of Sky magazine warned that some authors rejected their papers because their published papers did not conform to the publishing direction of the magazine.
The third step is to choose a periodical: you need to evaluate your professional title and graduation thesis publishing requirements according to yourself. The editor of the journal Sky pointed out that these contents can generally be known from the title file, such as the journal level. After choosing, you should understand the requirements of publishing papers in journals.
The fourth step is the publication of papers: after selecting the journals, you can send the documents by email, online delivery, WeChat QQ, etc. The reason why there are so many ways of editing and introducing journals is that the processing efficiency of each submission method is improving.
The fifth step is to wait for review.
Tips of Journal Sky Editor: The review period of a paper is the longest in the whole publication process, and the unmodified manuscript belongs to the normal time period. If there are papers that have been reviewed and revised, the publishing cycle will increase accordingly. The higher the level of journals that publish papers, the longer the publishing cycle.
Step 6 For the papers that have been successfully hired by the journal, the magazine society will send an employment notice, and after paying the typesetting fee, the publication date can be arranged.
The seventh step is to publish and read magazines. The publication date of the paper has been arranged. Even if the paper is officially published, the author needs to wait for the sample manuscript sent by the magazine, and then submit it as the title evaluation material.