1, and the pictures in this article are in pdf and jpg formats. Pdf is a file format developed by Adobe Systems for file exchange, which has nothing to do with applications, operating systems and hardware. PDF file is based on PostScript language image model, and portable document format is an electronic file format.
2.jpg's full name is JPEG, which is a format of pictures. JPEG pictures store a single bitmap in 24-bit color. JPEG is a platform-independent format that supports the highest level of compression.
3.PDF has many incomparable advantages over other electronic document formats. PDF file format can encapsulate text, font, format, color, graphics and images in one file independent of device and resolution.
Paper format:
1, the paper format refers to the writing standards and stylistic requirements of the paper. Intuitively speaking, the paper format means that the paper meets the standard style and content requirements that can be made public.
2. Thesis generally consists of title, author, contents, abstract, keywords, text, references and appendices. It is not only a means to discuss problems and conduct scientific research, but also a tool to describe scientific research results for academic exchange.
Generally speaking, the thesis consists of title, author, contents, abstract, keywords, text, references and appendices, some of which (such as appendices) are dispensable. The composition order of the paper is: title, author, abstract, keywords, English title, English abstract, English keywords, text, references, appendix and thanks.