Econometric modeling paper
Team member: Team leader: Instructor: Date: 20 10/ year May 27, 2006 Multi-factor analysis of GDP changes of cities in China Abstract: This paper mainly makes multi-factor analysis of GDP of cities in the same period, taking GDP of cities in the same period as the explained variable and other quantifiable cross-sectional data as the explained variable, and establishes a multiple linear regression model to quantitatively analyze GDP of cities in the same period. Keywords: GDPY (100 million yuan) multivariate analysis model econometric test 1. Introduction Partial GDP (gross domestic product) refers to the final result of production activities of all permanent units in a country (or region) in a certain period of time. From the perspective of value form, it is the difference between the value of all goods and services produced by all permanent units in a certain period and the value of all non-fixed assets goods and services invested in the middle of the same period, that is, the sum of the added value of all permanent units. While creating GDP, it is also divided by the corresponding production factors, mainly reflected in labor remuneration and profits. In modern society, the government should take away part of GDP in the form of tax. This paper mainly studies the influence of L (10,000 people) and total capital formation K (100 million yuan) on the GDP of cities in the same period after excluding the price influencing factor, namely the retail price index P (last year = 100). Second, literature review Note: The data of urban GDP in the same period of 2006 comes from China Statistical Yearbook 2007; In 2006, the data of L (employment of ten thousand people) came from China Statistical Yearbook 2007. The data of total capital formation K (100 million yuan) in 2006 comes from China Statistical Yearbook 2007, which is calculated at 2006 prices. In 2006, the data of commodity retail price index P (last year = 100) came from China Statistical Yearbook 2007; Thirdly, the purpose of the study is to establish a multiple linear regression model by studying the GDP of cities in the same period, taking the GDP of cities in the same period as the explained variable and other quantifiable cross-sectional data as the explained variable, so as to quantitatively analyze the GDP of cities in the same period. Master the methods of establishing multiple regression models and comparing and screening models. Four. According to the theory of production function, the basic form of production function is as follows: L and K are labor and capital invested in the process of GDP output, respectively. This paper does not consider the influence of time variable, that is, technological progress. The above table lists the relevant statistical data of GDP of cities in China in 2006; Among them, the output y is the GDP (comparable price) of each city in the same period, and L and K are the number of employees at the end of 2006 and the total capital formation (comparable price) of each region respectively. V. Establish the model and estimate, test and correct the parameters of the model (1) We first establish the relationship model between Y 1 and L, in which Y 1—— the actual GDP of each city in the same period (100 million yuan) L ——— the parameter estimation of the model at the end of 2006 and its economic significance and statistical inference are tested by EVIEWS software. Make the scatter plot of Y 1 and l as follows: use EVIEWS software and use OLS method to estimate: dependent variable: y 1 method: least square date: 05/27/ 10 time: 14:45 sample:135. Errort-StatisticProb。 c- 1647.2645 17.2654 38+069-3. 18486 10.00034 l 14.994654 170.76545438+02549 2 1 .042999 0.000004 R-square 0.d . dependent var 6367. 139S . e . of regression 1605.545 akaikeinfocriteria 1 7.66266 sumsquareresid74755513 schwarzcrion17.75517 Logarithmic Likelihood-271.7712f-1Economically, every increase, In addition, the revised determinable coefficient is 0.9364 15, and the F value is 442.8073, which obviously passes the F test. And the p test value of l is 0, less than 0.05, so it passes the p test. (2) Establish the relationship model between Y 1 and K 1, in which the parameter estimation of Y1-the actual GDP of each city in the same period (100 million yuan) K1-the total capital formation (actual investment) (100 million yuan) model and the test of its economic significance and statistical inference. Using EVIEWS software, after regression analysis, the scatter plots of Y 1 and K 1 are as follows: estimated by OLS method: dependent variable: y 1 method: least square date: 05/27/ 10 time:17:/. c-705.0563393.0357- 1.7938730.0833 k 12.24 1 1060.08675 1 25.833850.0000 R-squared 0.958357 meandependentinvarr 7387.979 adjusted dr-squared 0.9555d . dependent var 6367. 139S . e . of regression / kloc-0/32 1.537 akaikeinfocriteria 17.27332 sumsquaredresid 50647333 schwarzcriterion 1 7.36 583 Logarithmic Likelihood -265.7364 f- Statistics 667.3880 durbin-Watson stat 6544 Economically speaking, each additional unit of capital can increase the real GDP by 2.241106, which is achievable under certain conditions. In addition, the revised determinable coefficient is 0.95692 1, and the F value is 667.3880, which obviously passes the F test. And the p test value of K 1 is 0, less than 0.05, so it passes the p test. By comparing the absolute coefficient, adjusted determinable coefficient, T test, F test and P test of the two models, it can be clearly seen that the relationship model of Y 1 and K 1 is better than that of Y 1 and L, so the relationship model of Y 1 and K 1 is better than that of L. (3) Establish the binary relationship models of Y 1 and K 1 and L, in which y 1- the actual GDP of each city in the same period (100 million yuan) k 1- the total capital formation of each region (100 million yuan) and the number of employees (10,000 people) at the end of 2006. Dependent variable estimated by OLS method: y 1 Method: Least Squares Date: 05/2710 Time: 17:23 Sample: 136 contains observation value: 3 1 variable coefficient Std. Errort-StatisticProb。 C-1369.643303.2218-4.5654438+069688.000065 In the economic sense, every increase in the capital of a unit can increase the real GDP accordingly. In addition, the revised determinable coefficient is 0.978464, and the F value is 682.5040, which obviously passes the F test. And the p test values of K 1 and l are both 0, both less than 0.05, so they passed the p test. By comparing the absolute coefficient, adjusted determinable coefficient, T test, F test and P value test of the two models, it can be clearly seen that the relationship models of Y 1 and K 1 and L are better than those of Y 1 and K 1. Therefore, the establishment of binary relationship model is more in line with the actual economic situation. (4) Establish a nonlinear regression model-C-D production function. The C-D production function is: For this nonlinear function, the following two methods can be used to establish the model. Mode 1: Convert to linear model for estimation; At the same time, taking the logarithm of both ends of the model, we can get the following results: in the command window of EViews software, type the following commands in turn: genrlny1= log (y1) genrlnl = log (l) genrlnk1= log (k1) lslny/. DependentVariable:LNY 1 Method: LeastSquares Date: 05/2710 Time: 17:29 Sample: 136 Observed value: 3 1 variable coefficient Std. Errort-StatisticProb。 c 0.2423450. 198 1806 5438+0.22228538+06 lnk 10.666656565,078.05855, 380.000000 1 lnl 0 . 500 1d . dependent var 1.037058S . e . of regression 0. 1 13834 akaikeinfocriterion- 1 .416379 sum square edrid 0.362831Schwarz criterion-1.277606 logarithmic likelihood 24.95388 f- statistics 65433 In addition, the revised determinable coefficient is 0.98795 1, and the f value. And the p test values of K 1 and l are both 0, both less than 0.05, so they passed the p test. By comparing the above model's determinable coefficient, adjusted determinable coefficient and F test, it can be clearly seen that the model is optimal. Therefore, this model is chosen as the optimal multivariate linear regression model with GDP of each city as the explained variable and other quantifiable cross-sectional data as the explained variable. Summary of intransitive verbs To sum up, the cross-sectional data fitting model successfully reflects the quantitative relationship between GDPY 1 and the number of employees L (10,000) and the total capital formation K 1 (100 million yuan) after excluding price factors, and is a successful model. It can be seen from the model that the GDPY 1 of each city in the same period has a very close relationship with the number of employees L (10,000 people) in each region and the total amount of capital formation after excluding price factors, that is, the retail price index P (last year = 100) is closely consistent with Cobb-Douglas (C-D) production function, which verifies the reference:/KLOC.