2. Yu Q, Liu T, Deng Z, He X. The biosynthesis of polyether antibiotic Nanchang mycin is controlled by two pathway-specific transcription activators. Arched microflora. 1 1 23rd of the month
3. Yu X, Liu T, Zhu F, khosla C.20 1 1. In vivo construction and steady-state analysis of fatty acid synthesis in Escherichia coli. United States procnatlacadsci108 (46):18643-8. (* * correspondent.
4. Fu Aisi, Liu Ran, Zhu Jing, Liu Tiangang. 20 1 1. Research progress in the production of new diesel oil by microbial metabolic gene modification. Genetics 10,1121-65438.
5. Liu T, khosla C.20 10. Balance of paclitaxel precursor pathway in Escherichia coli. Science, 330: 44-45 (correspondent)
6. Liu T, Wola H, khosla c 20 10. Quantitative analysis and engineering of fatty acid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. Metabolic engineering. 12:378-86
7. Liu T, khosla C.20 10. Genetic engineering of Escherichia coli for biofuel production. Annual review of genetics. 44: 53-69 (* * * correspondent)
8. Xun G, Liu T, Valenzano C, Deng Z, Teng D. 20 10. Mechanism and stereospecificity of a completely saturated polyketide synthase module: Nanchang mycin synthase module 2 and its dehydratase domain. Journal of American Chemical Society. 132(42): 14694-6.
9. He, Sun, Liu, Zhou, Bai and Deng. Cloning of meilingmycin biosynthesis gene cluster by acyltransferase-ketoreductase double domain PCR amplification method. Applied environmental microbiology. 20 10 may; 76( 10):3283-92.
10. Tamia Liu, Ganding, Dunze. Enzymology of polyether biosynthesis. 2009. Enzymatic methods. 459: 187-2 14
1 1. Tamia Liu, Lin, Zhou, Deng, Teng d. 2008。 Mechanism of chain release catalyzed by thioesterase in the biosynthesis of polyether antibiotic Nanchang mycin. Chemistry and biology. biology 15,449-58
12. Tamia Liu, You Dan, Valenzano, Sun Yan, Li Jun, Yu Qing, Zhou, ganden, Deng, 2006. NanE is a thioesterase released from polyether chain in Nanchang mycin biosynthesis. Chemistry and biology. biology 13:945-55
Report of academic conference
1.PKS-NRPS oral report (Brown University, 2007)
Study on chain release mechanism in biosynthesis of polyether antibiotic Nanchang mycin
2. Exhibition Board of the 234th Annual Meeting of American Chemical Society (Boston, 2007)
Study on chain release mechanism in biosynthesis of polyether antibiotic Nanchang mycin
Identification of O- glycosyltransferase NanG5 in Nanchang mycin biosynthesis pathway
3. Invited Report of the 32nd Symposium on Fuel and Compound Biotechnology (Florida, 20 10)
Quantitative analysis and engineering transformation of fatty acid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli
4. Invited Report of the Annual Meeting of Industrial Microbiology Society (San Francisco, 20 10)
Escherichia coli engineering for fatty acid-derived biofuels
5. Report of the 4th National Symposium on Microbial Genetics (Hangzhou, China, 20 10)
6. Invited Report of the 5th Industrial Biotechnology Forum (Qingdao, China, 20 1 1)
international cooperation
Professor Chaitan Khosla, Stanford University, USA, academician of American Academy of Engineering.
Professor David E. Cane, Brown University, USA, is a researcher at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.