In today's soaring fuel prices, saving fuel and reducing costs has become a topic that every enterprise attaches great importance to. Part of the heat generated when the fuel oil and waste gas in the furnace burn together is stored by the heat accumulator ("honeycomb ceramics"), which plays the role of preheating the waste gas, making the oxidation combustion of the waste gas more thorough when it enters the furnace, and even directly igniting the waste gas, so it can obviously save fuel and energy.
2. Brief introduction to the principle of regenerative oxidation (RTO)
RTO (regenerative thermal oxidizer) mainly includes regenerator, oxidation chamber and fan. It absorbs the heat of exhaust gas oxidation through the regenerator, and uses this heat to preheat the newly entered exhaust gas, thus effectively reducing the heat emission after exhaust gas treatment, saving the heat VOCs during exhaust gas oxidation heating, and keeping the exhaust gas at a high thermal efficiency (about 95% thermal efficiency) during high-temperature oxidation. Its equipment is safe and reliable.
The working principle of RTO is that the organic waste gas is preheated in the regenerator, then enters the oxidation chamber and is heated to about 800℃, so that VOCs in the waste gas are oxidized and decomposed into CO2 and H2O;; ; The oxidized high-heat gas passes through another regenerator for heat treatment, and then the flue gas is discharged from RTO system. This process is constantly circulating, and each regenerator alternately switches between the modes of inputting waste gas and discharging treated gas. The switching time can be adjusted according to the actual situation.