1.MLA format: it is mainly used for papers in the field of humanities, such as literature, language and philosophy. The references are arranged in alphabetical order according to the author's surname, and the title is "Cited Works".
2.APA format: mainly used for papers in social sciences, such as psychology, education, economics, etc. The references are arranged in alphabetical order according to the author's surname, and the title is "References".
3. Chicago format: mainly used for papers in the fields of history, art and politics. References are arranged in alphabetical order by author's name or document title, and the title is "Bibliography".
The following is a reference example of APA format:
-Journal article: author's name. (year of publication). The title of the article. Journal name, volume number (issue number), starting page number-ending page number.
For example:
Smith, doctor of law (20 19). The influence of social media on mental health. Journal of Psychology, 123(4), 567-578.
-Book: author's name. (year of publication). Title. Place of publication: publishing house.
For example:
Johnson, M. (20 17). Art history. London: Thames and London. Hudson.
-Report: Organization name. (year of publication). Report name. Report number. Place of publication: publishing house.
For example:
World Health Organization. (2020). Global Diabetes Report. The report number is 978-92-4- 156525-7. Geneva: World Health Organization.
It should be noted that the writing of references should be accurate, comprehensive and accurate. When quoting documents, it is necessary to indicate the source and write according to different formats.