A/a art one, one; Each (individual)
About ad. about
Approximation of related words, approximation; Something about; Some preparations. About, about
Associative words of concern
Higher than expected. exceed ...
Cross preparation. Pass through; Go through, go through, go through, go through
African, African.
After preparation. After ... conj. After ... ...
Afternoon; afternoon
Again, again, again.
This associative word appears repeatedly, repeatedly; Again and again, again and again; Time and time again
Age number 1. The age is 60 ~ 16 years old; In about 84 years; 2. Information of the times ~ information age; A middle-aged man;
As we get older, our brains are shrinking. As we get older, our brains are shrinking.
After a long time.
BC. Before, before ...
Aim v. 1。 He is going to be a lawyer. His goal is to become a lawyer. Aim the gun at the enemy officer.
The goal of life
The objective goals and purposes of related words; Objective; A purpose, a goal; Intention, purpose
Air; Air; Atmosphere; Sky; ventilate
Air conditioning; Air conditioning; Aircraft; Aircraft; Airlines; Airlines; Airlines; Airlines; Aircraft; Aircraft; Airport, airport
Everything is correct. Everything is an advertisement. Complete, complete
Almost. almost
Almost almost associative words; Almost, simply put.
Prepare together. Follow the ad. along with ...
Already ad. Already, already
And ... Also; Besides, there is also,
Although conj Although, although
Always advertising. Forever; Forever and ever.
10 a.m.
United States; United States of America
Derived Americans a. Americans (people); American (USA) n. American; Americans
In preparation. In the middle of; Are busy ...
And conj. And, and, and; therefore
Anger; get angry
The derivative angry a. 1. He kept me waiting for a long time, and I was angry. I am very angry with him for keeping me waiting for so long. 2. (storm, etc. ) violence.
The associative word rage is anger and violence; Anger, anger
Animals; Animals; domestic animal
Another one. Another pron. another
Answer n. answer v. 1. Answer, answer 2. Responsible; Take the consequences for the safety of passengers and be responsible for the safety of passengers; ~ because of your carelessness, you bear the consequences of carelessness.
Ant ant
Any a. (negative sentence, interrogative sentence, conditional sentence) some any
The compound word anybody pron Anyone, no matter who; Important person; Anyway. Anyway; No matter what method is used; Anyone can. Anyone, no matter who; It's nothing. No matter what (things), everything; Anything (thing); Anyway, advertising. In any case; Advertising anywhere. wherever
Apple (tree)
Area; Area; Region; field
Associative word field; World ... dividing line
Arm; Handrails; (pl。 ) weapons
Arm them with loaded pistols; ~ missiles with warheads. Load missiles with warheads.
The compound word armchair n
Associative word equipment
Army (team) and army; army
Around a.d. Everywhere; Nearby; About preparation. Nearby.
Arrive, come
Usage Arrive/Enter
Arrive; Arrive; Arriving person or thing
Art; Fine arts; (pl。 ) liberal arts, humanities
Derivative word artist n. artist; Artistic, artistic
Article number 1. An article about ships ~ an article about ships; An important editorial. The woman bought some small commodities first.
As an advertisement. , as conj. Like ...; Due to; appropriate
Asia; Northern Asia
Derived Asians
Ask v. (ask) ask; Request, request
Preparing. (indicating position) in, in; (indicating time) at the time of ... ...
Atlantic; the Atlantic
Australia. Australia, Australia
Australian a. Australian; Australian (Australia)
Autumn (season)
Leave the advertisement. Leave, stay away; ... drop
Baby, baby.
Back; Back; Back. Back; Back; Back off before.
Background, experience
Bad a. bad, wrong; Inferior; uncomfortable
Derivative difference ad. 1. Bad, bad 2. His foot was badly hurt.
Bag, bag
Ball; Ball; Dance (party)
The compound word baseball;; Baseball; Football; Rugby; Volleyball. basketball
Basket; basket
Harbor, harbor
Be v. (just) yes, equal to; (save) in; reach
Beach, lake beach, river beach
Beautiful; Beauty; Beautiful, beautiful things
The derivative word beautiful a. beautiful (good); beautiful
Become, become.
Bed (position); River bed, mineral deposits, seabed
Bees (bees)
Appeal 1. Sitting at the door begging ~ money 2. Beg him to take two weeks off to attend an old friend's party. He took two weeks off to attend an old friend's party. She advised me not to go. She begged me not to go.
Associative words please and demand; Appeal to appeal; Attraction; appeal
Here we go.
Derivative beginners.
At the beginning of; from the very first
Behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind.
Biological, human; Began to appear
Believe, believe; think
Derived belief; Faith; Believe, believe
Bell, bell
Below the preparatory course. Below, below ad. Down, down.
Better advertising. Better v. improve
Best advertisement. Optimum (grounding)
Between (two) AD. Middle, middle
Big a. big, huge; important
Bill; Bill; A $65,438 bill; Pay the electricity bill to pay the electricity bill
Bird, bird
Black, black
Compound word blackboard
Blanket, blanket
Blind a. 1. Blind; He turned a blind eye to his mistakes. He can't see his shortcomings. She believes that he is honest. She blindly believes in his honesty.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) makes people blind; The twinkling sun obscured the stars. The sun obscured the stars. His resentment masked his reason. Anger made him lose his mind.
A. blue; I feel very uncomfortable today. I feel very depressed today.
Blueprint of compound words; Make a blueprint, plan
Ship [ship] ship
body; Body; Subject; Bodies; Object; (a) group, batch, heap
Boiling; Boil
Bones (bones)
Books; Books; Books (tickets, rooms, etc.) ) ~ hotel room booking hotel
Derivative book n. entry, appointment and stage contract; Bookstore.
Associative words are reserved; stock
Borrow (use)
Derivative words borrow n.
Boss v. dominate, give orders
Both of them. Both, double.
Bottle; bottle
Bottom (part); Seabed, lake bottom, river bed
Box n. box (sub),box(sub); Boxing to boxing, slap in the face
A boy; waiter
Brain n. (brain), bone marrow; (pl。 ) brainpower
Compound brainstorm n. (brief sudden) insanity
Bread of bread
Break v. 1 The stone broke the window. The stone broke the window. 2. Violation of laws/regulations; ~ A person's promise/belief violates his promise/credit.
Interrupt; break
Derivative word broken a. broken (broken)
Breakfast ['breakfast] n.
Breathe, breath.
Derivative word breathe v
Bridge to the gap between the rich and the poor to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor
Introduction a. 1. A brief message in a letter; Make a short visit. 2. A concise description of .... A brief statement about ...; To put it simply (to you)
Brief introduction
On a. 1. Bright; Sunny a ~ sunny day; ~ red red 2. Smart ~ students smart students; A clever idea. Beautiful you young children have a bright future! You young people have a bright future!
Bring; Bring; give rise to
England, England
Derived British a. British; Britain (human)
Brothers; Brothers; brothers
Brush (sub); Brush; Wipe; sweep past
Build, build, build, build
Derivative word building; building
Bury v. bury (burial); involve
Bush (Bush)
Business n. (1) business, business is good ~ business is good; A depression of business depression; Open an opening; 2. Business, business and private affairs ~ private affairs; It is the teacher's duty to let the children study. It is the teacher's responsibility to let students study.
Busy; Busy; Busy for a morning ~ busy all morning; A busy street; A family busy with housework; I am busy preparing to declare income tax.
But conj. However, there is still.
There is no choice but to do it; There is no choice but to do. Nothing to do; Nothing can be done except doing; Have to do it; There is no alternative but to do. Only, just, just; Only (no one else)
Purchase; buy
By, prepare. Beside; Not later than; Shit, through ad. It's nearby.
Compound word by-business n. sideline, part-time job; Local regulations and articles of association; Bypass vt Bypass; by-product
Cafe (small) restaurant
Cake; cake
Call; Shout; (telephone) conversation; Call; visit
Camera; camera
Camping, camping; Camp, camp
Yes, yes, yes; Yes; Yes, yes.
Derivative Canadian
cap; Hat; involve
Cars; Cars; Cars (trains)
Business card; Business card; poker cards
Be careful; Pay attention to
Derivative carefula Be careful, be careful; careful
Carry v. carry; transmit
Derivative carrier; Carrier; Carrier; Carriage; A four-wheeled carriage; Bus (train)
Two-wheeled freight carriage
Case number 1. Box, box 2. The situation in this case; In many cases; In no ~ never anyway; In case it happens. Just in case. Case; Cases of fever a ~ a;; Cases against the former President; 4. A case in point
Compound briefcase; Briefcase; Suitcase; suitcase
Cat's cat
Seize; Catch; Catch up; I understand ~ listen carefully to what the host said.
Reason; Cause; Cause, cause
Derivative because conj. because
Associative words lead to; Cause; Bring; Contribute to; Cause, bring, cause
Cell; Cell; A small room; battery
Center; Center; Center; concentrate
Derivative center a. 1. Central task central task; Central Committee. The main goal of this government is social stability. The primary goal of this government is social stability.
Associative word chief; Leading; Mainly; Principal; primary
one hundred years
Chair; Chair; Chairman (position)
Chairman, chairman
Chalk, chalk.
Opportunity; Chances are ...; Someone (short for someone) The visiting team will win in nine cases out of ten. Ten to one, the visiting team will win.
Change; Change; Change v. change
Associative words change; Conversion, conversion; Variety, difference
Cheap a. cheap; Inappropriate
Chemistry; chemistry
Derivative chemist n. chemist; Pharmacist; Chemicals. ) chemistry
Chicken; Chicken; Chicken (meat)
Son ((pl. ) children (children
Derived children; Childhood; Childish
China's porcelain
China, China
Derived from China N. China; Chinese A. China (human), Chinese.
Choose v. choose; be willing
Derivative choice n. choice (opportunity); Selected person
Associative word options; Alternative
Jesus Christ
Derived from Christianity; Christmas.
Church; Church; church
Cinema; Cinema; film
Derived citizens; Derived citizens; Citizen, resident
Classmate, classmate
Classroom [classroom]
Cleaning a. cleaning; Clean up, make clean
Associative word smart intelligence
Climate; Climate; A quiet atmosphere; Politics ~ political atmosphere
Associative word air atmosphere
Climb v./n. 1. Climb, climb a mountain; ~ stair climbing 2. (of an aircraft) climb, ascend
Associative words crawl, crawl and move slowly; Sneaking around (nervously and secretly); crawl
Cloth (piece), fabric, cloth
Derived clothing v. (clothing, supplies, etc. ); Clothes; Clothes; Clothing [clothing]
Cloud n. 1. Clouds (dust of object a ~); 2. Under the cover of night, in the dark night.
Derivative word Cloudy A. Cloudy, cloudy (cloudy); Fuzzy
Associative word rainy, rainy day; Clear and cloudless, sunny; Strong wind, strong wind; Snow, snow; Foggy is hazy, foggy.
Coast ['coast] n.
Coat, coat; fur coat
Coffee (color)
lump of coal
Coca-Cola/ Coke
Cold a. cold; Cold; cold
College, college, university
Color; Color; Pigment; Color, color.
Come, come; Appear in, produce
Calculation; Calculate.
Associative word calculation; Calculate, estimate
Derivative word computer; Calculator; microcomputer
Comrade, colleague
Concert; concert
Conclusion V. End; Draw a conclusion; reach an agreement
Derived conclusion n. end conclusion, inference
Condition number 1. Condition two. Keep the car in good condition ~ keep the car in good condition.
Control; Control.
Derived word controller
Cook, boil, burn
Derivative word cooker n. pot, cooker; Stove, oven
Cool a. cool, cool; Stay calm ~ stay calm [calm].
Copy; Copy; Copy; Copy this book.
Derivative word copyright?
corner of a street
Right, right