As far as speed is concerned, our electronic family is the first. The walking speed of people is about 16 km/h, the speed of bicycles is about 40 km/h, the speed of fast trains is 76 km/h, and the speed of cars and private cars can reach 80- 100 km/h, while the speed of the county floating train, the fastest land vehicle in the world, is only 500 km/h. And our electrons can fly 300 thousand kilometers per second, millions of times as much as them. Even the supersonic plane, one of the fastest planes in the world, is said to be behind the missile, with a speed of only 1700 meters per second, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of times our speed. We can circle the earth several times in an instant, and it only takes about 8 seconds to go back and forth to the moon. If humans can build an aircraft that is only one-tenth as fast as ours, interstellar.
The mass of atom is very small. In a tiny atom, my north and proton are the same in quantity. But our total mass is only a few thousandths of a proton of an atom, so that our weight is ignored by human beings. Of course, because our mass is very small, our speed is so amazing that it must be attached to the nucleus and running around it at high speed. It's like our electronic home. Once we leave her, we can only wander around like vagrants.
Our atoms have no charge, protons have a positive charge, and we have the same negative charge as protons. Because of the positive and negative attraction, we can get a gravitational force to make atoms move around at high speed, just like groups of soldiers protecting their homes. If my partner and I move in a certain direction, the speed is not as big as I blew before, but rather small, about 7.5 × 10-5m. Nowadays, in people's daily life, household appliances, agricultural machinery and production and transportation machinery are inseparable from electricity. Humans also use the electrostatic principle to make vacuum cleaners and paint brushes, which are convenient to operate and efficient.
In fact, we electronic people still have many secrets. We look forward to getting to know us better.