Among them, cysteine can explain the released hydrogen sulfide, and the fecal odor converted from tryptophan finally constitutes the unique odor of sour bamboo shoots. Calling sour bamboo shoots "junk food" or unfair access to information found that there was little research on the nutritional components of sour bamboo shoots, but there was a master's thesis that analyzed the main nutritional components of bamboo sour bamboo shoots.
According to the research paper, cysteine and tryptophan in sour bamboo shoots are consumed in large quantities, and the accumulation of final products hydrogen sulfide and fecal odor leads to its strong smell. In addition, the combination of heat and spicy in the processing of snail powder makes all kinds of odor substances evaporate rapidly, making people feel "slightly drunk for three days" after eating.
In nature, rancidity mostly comes from microbial fermentation. Food fermented by microorganisms will be easier to digest and absorb than the original food, because microorganisms have helped people "digest" in advance.
According to this expert, people's love for sour bamboo shoots, bean juice, moldy amaranth stalks, stinky tofu, stinky mandarin fish, canned herring and other stinky foods is probably because "eating stinky" has long been written in the genes of human ancestors.