Computer vision is the simulation of biological vision using computers and related equipment. Its main task is to obtain the three-dimensional information of the corresponding scene by processing the collected pictures or videos, just like humans and many other creatures do every day.
Computer vision is a science that studies how to make machines "see". Further, it refers to using cameras and computers to identify, track and measure targets instead of human eyes, and further processing the graphics, so that computers can process images that are more suitable for human eyes to observe or send them to instruments for detection.
CVPR employment standard
CVPR has strict recruitment standards, the overall admission rate of the conference is usually not more than 30%, and the proportion of papers in oral reports is not higher than 5%. The organizer of the meeting is a circular voluntary group, which is usually selected three years before the meeting. The evaluation of CVPR is generally double-blind, which means that the reviewers and contributors of the meeting don't know each other's information.
Usually a paper needs to be reviewed by three reviewers. Finally, the regional chairman of the meeting decides whether the paper is acceptable or not.