Confucius said, "It's just and not ordered; His body is not right, although he does not obey. "
-from: The Analects of Confucius Lutz XIII
Confucius said: the ruler himself is only teaching by example, even if he doesn't give orders, the people will do it. The ruler's words and deeds are not the same, and even after repeated requests, the people will not listen.
This is Confucius' most famous famous saying about politics. There are similar famous sayings: When Ji Kangzi, the zhengqing of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, asked Confucius about politics, Confucius said to him, "Politicians are upright. Zi Shuai is right, who dares to be wrong. " It means: the essence of being an official lies in being positive. If the superior leaders take the right path as an example, how dare the subordinates go astray? So I think the most admirable quality of Confucius' political theory is a "positive" word.
Indeed, a "positive" word is the whole truth of being a man and doing things. A man is right in front of himself. To be an excellent leading cadre, we must first set an example in everything and take the lead in setting an example. A sample survey conducted by Decision magazine in 2007 shows that the elements of leaders' cultivation, such as responsibility, respect, culture and morality, are most appreciated by civil servants, and 99% of civil servants admit that the style and ideological quality of leaders have a demonstration and influence on subordinates.
I remember there was a public service advertisement for "mother" to wash feet on TV, which probably went like this: mother told a story to coax her son to sleep, and then went to help the elderly mother wash her feet, so careful that she forgot to wipe the sweat on her face, and the young son watched her every move ... When the mother finally washed her feet for the old man and sat down to rest, she saw the young son shouting "mother" to wash his feet with a plate of water, and the mother used her own practical actions.
Educating children is still the case, why not be a leader? Of course, the leadership mentioned here does not simply refer to the "number one" of the unit, but should include cadres in various fields and positions. A wise leader does not use his authority to make his subordinates obey him, but sets an example by himself, sets a good example by constantly demanding himself, and makes his subordinates admire him from his actions. A leader, if he just talks big, ignores the constraints of the system and the authority of law and discipline, and demands his subordinates and even the masses to obey his orders. Even if he did, he was only forced by the arrogance of the leader, not sincerely obeyed. Of course, as subordinates, especially as ordinary cadres of the municipal party Committee, we should also be "honest", because what our cadres say and do not only represent individuals, but also represent the image of the municipal party Committee. Therefore, we should always be clear about our responsibilities, take the standards higher than those of ordinary unit cadres as the basis of our words and deeds, do a good job in implementation and work. When leaders criticize, remind and guide, they should also reflect on themselves first and see if they have not done well enough and can improve, instead of looking back at what the leaders have done badly.
In short, if every leader starts from me, sets an example, and is strict with himself in everything, so as to form a clean and upright environment in the unit, all cadres and workers will naturally work hard, any work difficulties will be solved, our work will satisfy the masses and superiors, and our cause will be further improved.