(2) Narration of Western Literary Theory-Reading Plato with Derrida as an Example, Literature and Art Research No.3, 20 14.
(3) Attitude and Writing-China's "Content" in Contemporary Western Art Philosophy, Literature and Art Research, 20 1 13.
(4) "Synchronization of the times" transcends aesthetics and anti-aesthetics, editing. James Elkins. Pennsylvania State University Press, 20 13
(5) Rhetoric of Idols-From Image to Voice, Journal of Christian Culture, 29th issue, 20 13.
(6) Miracles and Revolutions: Terry Eagleton's Theological Turn, Literature and Art; Theology, Volume 26, No.3 20 12
(7) Thinking about Fire and Ash-Derrida's Semiotics, Literary Studies, No.9, 201/kloc-0.
(8) Literary Imagination and Sinology Research, with comments on Shi Jiangshan's Poetics and World Sinology, Volume 7, 20 1 1 year.
(9) The End of Poetry and the Weakness of Witness-agamben's Poetic Thought, Foreign Literature Review, 20 10, 1.
(10) Language and Visual Construction —— Taking roland barthes's Words and Things as an example, Literature Research, No.3, 2009.
(1 1) Aesthetic theology, or theological aesthetics after balthasar, Journal of Christian Culture, 20th series, 2008.
(12) Augustine's self-portrait as a confession of literary autobiography, Foreign Literature Review, No.4, 2007.
(13) The Appearance of Images, Portraits and Meaning —— Jean-Luc Nancy's World of Meaning, Literary Studies, 12, 2007.
(14) Eternal Myth —— King Oedipus written by Sophocles, Foreign Literature Research, No.5, 2006.
(15) "How to face painting? -Take Deleuze's Bacon Theory as an example, Literary Studies, No.4, 2006.
(16) tragedy and death-revenge drama in Elizabethan period, Foreign Literature Review, No.3, 2005,
(17) The Fall of Angels and the Homesickness of Paradise —— Xia Jiaer's Painting and Eliad's Theological and Literary Studies, No.5, 2005.
(18) Reality, Dream and Fantasy Drama —— Father by Strindberg and Death in the Ward by Monk, Foreign Literature Review, No.3, 2004.